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Subject: RE: RE: [virtio] [PATCH requirements 6/7] net-features: Add packet timestamp requirements

> From: Xuan Zhuo <xuanzhuo@linux.alibaba.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2023 8:17 AM
> > Packed q needs yet another format.
> > And even after that we still have to live with other limitations listed in other
> requirements.
> I would like some simple changes for the tx timestamp.
> >
> > Therefore its better to do the new desc definition one time which enables to
> optionally support timestamp, using single descriptor format.
> I agree.
> But we can have too. In addition to your plans, I would like to introduce a simple
> method that can be used with existing machines.
Can you please explain what is a "existing machine"?
This is the change in driver device interface.
So one needs new driver and device extension anyway.

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