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Subject: RE: [PATCH requirements v4 2/7] net-features: Add low latency transmit queue requirements

> From: David Edmondson <david.edmondson@oracle.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2023 2:15 PM

> > +3. Packet transmit descriptor should be able to place a small size packet that
> > +   does not have any L4 data after the vnet_tx_hdr_desc in the virtqueue
> memory.
> > +   For example a TCP ack only packet can fit in a descriptor memory which
> > +   otherwise consume more than 25% of metadata to describe the packet.
> The presence of "L4 data" seems like a distraction - just give an indication of
> size ranges being considered.
Yes, its mainly the size consideration.
Will update.

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