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Subject: Mail from Ingo Struck re VulnXML and WAS

Forwarded from Ingo struck, a new member whose account is not yet active and one of the original VulnXML folks....welcome to WAS Ingo.

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Hi Mark / WAS-list,

I saw that you currently submitted the VulnXML dtd together with the old
sample test descriptions. However, the VulnXML dtd has changed in many
points since. It underwent some normalization (nodes to attributes whereever
possible / appropriate, removal of "dummy" nodes) and some repeatability flags
have changed. See attached the current VulnXML-1.4.dtd in two versions:
raw and (heavily) commented. They reflect the current status of the VulnXML
db application that I developed during the last year.

I totally agree with the analysis of the work phases and the WAS phases
outlined in the last (anonymous) message found on the WAS list:
a) problem classification / textual description (WAS classification scheme)
b) problem grading (WAS risk ranking)
c) detailed technical description how to detect the problem (VulnXML / WAS
    vulnerability description)

These phases clearly outline a priority list too:
- - create (and agree upon) a classification scheme
- - describe a risk ranking methodology
- - integrate a technical description

Based upon some experience with thesauri within another scope I would
like to add that the central point in creating a thesaurus is not the 
thesaurus itself, but a *well-defined process how to build it up*.
Thesauri / classification schemes tend to be highly dynamic and they are
"review-intensive". What we need here is a clear description of how a
single thesaurus entry should look like, how revision management should
be accomplished and what review processes are involved in building up
a sustainable classification scheme. Adding the concrete entries should
be a peer-based review and approval process. The definition of the 
classification scheme should be independent of XML (best accompanied
by a simple BNF notation), with XML as a "sample" serialization format.

The thesaurus should then contain some basic hints for the risk ranking
methodology, e.g. a score value linked to each specific classification
entry which could then be comprised in calculating an overall risk score.
The risk methodology should take into account all information gathered
during the classification and give clear rules how to derive a risk rating
from that.

Referring to Jeff's last mail / basic characteristics breakdown,
I would tend to say that the central point of the classification scheme
is to define / look up the "security" characteristics of a concrete 
vulnerability and to provide appropriate "remedy" characteristics,
while the "basic" and "test" characteristics are part of the last
(technical) stage.

Thus I would reorder and assign Jeff's characteristics as follows:

- - classification: "security", "remedy"
- - risk ranking: -
- - technical description: "basic", "test"

While the "exploit" part is clearly out of the scope of a schematical 
description due to its algorithmic nature (like Jeff already stated) and 
should be provided as "additional info" only.

If you have a look at the current VulnXML dtd, you will see that it
already contains a rather detailed description for the "technical" part
(Jeff's, "basic" and "test") while being quite sketchy for the classification
part. That said, the VulnXML could only be a startover for the "last"
stage of the overall WAS deliverable suite, while the "interesting" part
of classification / description still needs to be worked out from scratch
or based upon other sources (like the paper Jeff mentioned).

Kind regards

Ingo Struck
Version: GnuPG v1.2.0 (GNU/Linux)

<!ELEMENT WebApplicationTest (TestDescription, Variable*, Connection+)>
<!ELEMENT TestDescription (Reference*, Copyright, Description, ApplicableTo*, TriggerOn, Impact, Recommendation)>
<!ATTLIST TestDescription
	protocol (HTTP | SOAP | WebDAV) #REQUIRED
	mayproxy (true | false) "false"
	affects  (server | site | path | file) #REQUIRED
	severity (low | medium | high) #REQUIRED
	alert (success | failure) #REQUIRED
	type (Validation | Canonicalisation | ParameterManipulation | AuthenticationSessionManagement | Overflows | Informational | Cryptographic | Configuration) #REQUIRED
<!ELEMENT Reference EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST Reference
<!ELEMENT Copyright (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT Description (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT ApplicableTo (Platform, WebServer+, ApplicationServer*)>
<!ELEMENT Platform (OS, Arch+)>
<!ELEMENT WebServer (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT ApplicationServer (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT TriggerOn (Match+)>
<!ATTLIST TriggerOn
	event (authority | path | file | manual) #REQUIRED
	type (exact | regex) "exact"
<!ELEMENT Recommendation (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT Variable (Description, Item+)>
<!ATTLIST Variable
	encoding (text | base64) "text"
<!ELEMENT Connection (Step+)>
<!ATTLIST Connection
<!ELEMENT Step (Request?, Response, TestCriteria+)>
<!ELEMENT Request (MessageHeader?, MessageBody?)>
<!ELEMENT MessageHeader (Method, URI, Version, Header*)>
<!ATTLIST Method
	encoding (text | base64) "text"
	encoding (text | base64) "text"
<!ELEMENT Version (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST Version
	encoding (text | base64) "text"
<!ELEMENT Header (Name, Value)>
<!ATTLIST Name encoding (text | base64) "text">
<!ATTLIST Value encoding (text | base64) "text">
<!ELEMENT MessageBody (Separator, Item+)>
<!ELEMENT Separator (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST Separator
	encoding (text | base64) "text"
<!ELEMENT Response (SetVariable+)>
<!ELEMENT SetVariable (Description, Source)>
<!ATTLIST SetVariable
	type (string | int | binary) #REQUIRED
<!ATTLIST Source
	source (status | body | header) #REQUIRED
<!ELEMENT TestCriteria (ErrorMessage?, Compare+)>
<!ATTLIST TestCriteria
	type (success | failure) #REQUIRED
<!ELEMENT ErrorMessage (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT Compare (Value, Compare*)>
<!ATTLIST Compare
	test (eq | neq | cont | ncont | gt | lt) #REQUIRED
<!-- WebApplicationTest describes an automated test performed to discover a 
specific vulnerability of a web application. -->
<!ELEMENT WebApplicationTest (TestDescription, Variable*, Connection+)>
<!-- TestDescription is used to describe and to classify a test and the
appendent vulnerability.

     name: a unique name that can be used to index tests, or refer to a 
		       specific test
  version: the version number of the test. It should be incremented with 
	         each public release.
 released: the date on which the test was made available. 
           The date MUST be in RFC822 format.
  updated: the date on which the test was last modified. 
	         This is an optional field, but its use is recommended if tests 
					 are modified. 
					 The date MUST be in RFC822 format.
 protocol: the protocol used to exploit the vulnerability.
           Different protocols may have different handling characteristics.
           Might be one of HTTP, SOAP or WebDAV
 mayproxy: specifies whether the test may be executed through a proxy, or 
           whether the test requires direct access to the server in question.
					 Note that even if no proxy is specified explicitly in the attack 
					 engine's configuration, there may still be transparent proxies 
					 between the attack engine and the target server. 
					 This could lead to false positives or negatives, depending on the 
					 DEFAULT: "false"
  affects: describes the element(s) of the target web application that are
	         affected by this vulnerability. This tells the examiner whether to
					 keep trying the test repeatedly, or if a single instance of the 
					 vulnerability is sufficient, i.e. whether the test affects the 
					 entire server, or is just specific to a particular virtual host,
					 path or HTML file. (e.g. you need to know an existing .asp file 
					 exists before you can test for the "Chunked-Encoding" overflow, but
					 if you find it once, there is no point reporting it for every 
					 single .asp file found)
					 may be one of: server, site, path, file
 severity: a rough severity classification of the vulnerability
    alert: flag whether the description is positive (i.e. the vulnerability
		       is present if the checks succeed) or negative (i.e. the vulnerability
					 is present if the checks fail)
     type: categorises the nature of the vulnerability that the test is for.
		       The class attribute refers the vulnerability classes defined by 
					 the OWASP asac project, and the URL should point to a web page 
					 with more detail about the vulnerability class. 
					 This would typically be the owasp.org website, but does not have to be
<!ELEMENT TestDescription (Reference*, Copyright, Description, ApplicableTo+, TriggerOn, Impact, Recommendation)>
<!ATTLIST TestDescription
	protocol (HTTP | SOAP | WebDAV) #REQUIRED
	mayproxy (true | false) "false"
	affects  (server | site | path | file) #REQUIRED
	severity (low | medium | high) #REQUIRED
	alert (success | failure) #REQUIRED
	type (Validation | Canonicalisation | ParameterManipulation | AuthenticationSessionManagement | Overflows | Informational | Cryptographic | Configuration) #REQUIRED
<!-- Reference is intended to provide resources such as BugTraq bid's, CERT 
announcements, or CVE reference numbers. The URL should point directly to the 
discussion of the particular vulnerability, wherever possible. The database 
attribute is freeform text, but would typically be something like bugtraq, 
CERT, CVE, although it could also point to the discoverer's website.

 database: the plaintext, official full name of the database referred to
      URL: a valid URL where the referenced database or a specific entry
			     of the referenced database could be found
<!ELEMENT Reference EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST Reference
<!-- Copyright is used to store a copyright notice from the creator of the 
test description. We should also allow for an attribute, classifying the 
nature of the license, such as GPL, or proprietary, if vendor's want to 
restrict distribution, or use outside of their own product?
See Linux Modules tainting discussions. 
<!ELEMENT Copyright (#PCDATA)>
<!-- Description is a plain text description of the vulnerability, that could
be included in a report or report summary. Could be taken from the CVE 
description, or formulated on similar lines.-->
<!ELEMENT Description (#PCDATA)>
<!-- ApplicableTo should be used to reduce the number of tests that need to be
run against a particular server. If the tool running can identify the server, 
in the following ways, they can either eliminate or select tests to run. This 
section may be repeated as many times as necessary to describe the vulnerable
<!ELEMENT ApplicableTo (Platform?, WebServer+, ApplicationServer*)>
<!-- Platform can be repeated as many times as required, if it is a cross
platform vulnerability. E.g. Apache on Windows and Unix, but not others (e.g. 
Netware, S390, etc) If it affects ALL platforms, then this can be left blank.
It is preferable to be too loose in defining these sections, and test too 
much, rather than too little.-->
<!ELEMENT Platform (OS, Arch+)>
<!-- OS should be a string match against the uname or other official product
string. Alternatively, it could be a match against the nmap OS id that can be
tested against by the vuln application. -->
<!-- Arch should be the official architecture string. i386, ia64, ppc, ppc64,
etc., as per the GNU compiler suite (GCC) -->
<!-- WebServer is a substring match against the Server header returned
by the server. This is an exact match and should include a detailed version of
the affected server. There can be more than one <WebServer> tag if required. 
The test should be executed if ANY tags match.-->
<!ELEMENT WebServer (#PCDATA)>
<!-- ApplicationServer identifies if the test is specific to a particular 
application server, e.g. WebSphere, ColdFusion, etc. 
In some cases it could be difficult to determine the application server,
especially if it is not identical to the WebServer (e.g. tomcat behind
httpd through mod_proxy), so this restriction should be considered only
if the application server is well-known. -->
<!ELEMENT ApplicationServer (#PCDATA)>
<!-- TriggerOn defines three different events currently: 
authority, path, and file. The test should be triggered when a new 
instance of the item is discovered. If a URL has multiple levels of path, 
each level should trigger a separate event.
An authority event MUST be triggered for each new matching combination,
(e.g. *://host.com:* should generate one event for each of http://host.com:80
ftp://host.com http://host.com:4711), default ports for protocols should 
not be replicated (e.g. http://host.com:80 http://host.com should only 
trigger one event). A path event MUST be triggered for each matching path 
segment (e.g. ba* should trigger two events for the file /bar/foo/baz/basic).
A file event MUST be triggered for each matching file (e.g. ba* triggers
no event for the path /bar/foo/baz/ and one event for /bar/foo/baz/basic).
A manual event cannot be determined automatically and MUST be presented to
the user for interactive processing.

 event: describes the URL part that is used to trigger a checking event
        may be one of: authority, path, file, manual
<!ELEMENT TriggerOn (Match+)>
<!ATTLIST TriggerOn
	event (authority | path | file | manual) #REQUIRED
<!-- Match defines a matching criterion by means of a regular expression or
exact matching, e.g. https://.*:4443/ would only trigger when secure servers 
running on port 4443 are found, if the event was authority.
 type: flag whether the presented pattern should be treated literally or as
       a regular expression
	type (exact | regex) "exact"
<!-- Impact is a text description of the impact of this vulnerability. It 
could be as verbose as desired, but should probably be kept to a single 
paragraph. It would be included in a report, if the vulnerability were 
<!-- Recommendation contains a text description of what should be done to
address the vulnerability. Aimed at the system admin, web admin, or developer,
depending on the nature of the test. -->
<!ELEMENT Recommendation (#PCDATA)>
<!-- A Variable is dereferenced by prefixing it with a dollar sign $, and 
surrounding it with curly braces { and }. E.g: ${variable} refers to the 
contents of the variable named variable.

Variables will often be defined within data fields, which can have different
encoding types. If a field has an encoding type of base64, no variable 
substitution should be performed on the decoded contents. If a field has an
encoding type of text, variable substitution should be performed, replacing 
any variable references in the above form with their values.

There are a number of variables that are predefined, and can be used within 
a test. These are supplied by the execution engine, on receipt of a new URL 
to be tested. Examples in the definition will be based on the following URL:

They are:
This is the protocol component of the URL. It will typically be http, 
or https. The execution engine is only expected to understand http and 
https protocols, at least initially. For the example URL, the value would be 
This is the host component of the URL. This can be dotted-quad, or DNS name.
For the example URL, the value would be www.example.com.
This is the port component of the URL. If it is not specified in the actual 
URL, it is set to the default port value for the protocol. 
(e.g. http == port 80, https == port 443). For the example URL, the value 
would be 81.
This is the path component of the URL, excluding the trailing /. If the URL 
is referencing the default homepage of a site, or any file in the root 
directory, it would be set to the empty string. Any use of this variable in 
a path context should be explicitly followed by a trailing slash, if one is 
appending a file component to it. For the example URL, the value would be 
This is the file component of the URL. If no file is specified, for instance
when using index pages, this variable will be empty, i.e. set to the empty 
string. For the example URL, the value would be formmail.pl

 name: variable name, note that this MUST NOT be one of the implicit variable
       names mentioned above and must follow standard C variable naming 
			 conventions, i.e. it may contain characters, digits and an underscore 
			 character, but may not begin with a digit.
 type: defines the variable type. Currently the only type used is string, but
       it may be useful to define other types such as integer at a later stage.
<!ELEMENT Variable (Description, Item+)>
<!ATTLIST Variable
<!-- Item contains one or more predefined variable values. One could think of 
it as an array of values. One would expect the test to be executed once for 
each value in the array. If there is more than one variable defined with more 
than one value, one would expect the test to be executed the product of the 
quantity of each variable values. E.g. 4 backup extensions in one variable, 
and 3 prefixes in another mean the test is executed 12 times per trigger event.
In general, the cross product of all variable value vectors creates the room
of variable driven events.

 encoding: defines plain text or base64 variable encoding. Possible encoding 
 	         values are text, which implies no conversion required, and base64,
					 which implies that the value should be base64 decoded when it is 
					 read in. base64 encoding would typically be used for binary data, 
					 or to include carriage returns in variables, for instance.
	encoding (text | base64) "text"
<!-- Connection defines a set of connections made to the target server to 
check for the vulnerability. The included Step elements must be carried out
within a single TCP connection. This is required to support things like 
Transfer-Encoding: chunked, or NTLM auth, where multiple steps must happen in
a single connection. The TCP connection is made to the host and port provided
in the original URL sent to the execution engine. In the event of an HTTPS 
URL, the SSL connection is negotiated on the port provided, and maintained for
the duration of the <Connection> element. If more than one Step is specified 
within a Connection, appropriate attention should be paid to 
"Connection: keepalive" headers, or protocol version (HTTP/1.1), when writing
the test. In the event of a TCP connection being dropped between steps (e.g. 
if the server closes the connection before a following step can be executed),
the test is considered to have failed.

 scheme: the scheme to be used to set up a connection
   host: the target host to connect to
	 port: the port used for connection
By default all these values are filled from the implicit variables that are
set by a TriggerOn/authority event, but they can be overwritten to set up a
connection somewhere else.
<!ELEMENT Connection (Step+)>
<!ATTLIST Connection
<!ELEMENT Step (Request, Response, TestCriteria+)>
<!-- Request describes the request string that is sent to the web server. One 
may want to have no header if one is continuing a "Transfer-Encoding: chunked"
message, for instance, and simply want to transfer data. One may have no 
MessageBody when doing a HEAD or GET request, for instance.-->
<!ELEMENT Request (MessageHeader?, MessageBody?)>
<!-- MessageHeader defines the header of a message. This follows the HTTP
protocol specification. It needs to be checked whether this is appropriate
for different protocols too.
If a MessageHeader element is defined, it should be followed by a blank line, 
to separate the header from any following data. Note that the data section may
imply setting of headers as well, before the blank line is included. If no 
MessageHeader element is defined, no blank line should be printed, and no 
headers should be created during processing of the MessageBody element.
<!ELEMENT MessageHeader (Method, URI, Version, Header*)>
<!-- Method contains the HTTP method used to perform the test. This is 
typically a string like GET, HEAD, POST, etc, but could well be an arbitrary 
string. This is simply set as the first field on the first header line, 
followed by a space character. If desired, base64 encoding can also be used to
specify arbitrary data to be used as the method.
<!ATTLIST Method
	encoding (text | base64) "text"
<!-- URI contains the request that should be made of the target server. For 
example, when connecting directly to the target server, on a file event 
trigger, it would typically be something like: ${path}/${file}
It may also include a scheme and host component, for example, if testing for
existence of proxy capability. If desired, base64 encoding may be used to 
supply arbitrary data. This data is simply appended to the Method field, 
separated by a space.-->
	encoding (text | base64) "text"
<!-- Version specifies the protocol version being used, typically HTTP/1.0,
or HTTP/1.1, but may be arbitrary data, or empty. If it is empty, the request
line should simply consist of the Method and URI elements.-->
<!ELEMENT Version (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST Version
	encoding (text | base64) "text"
<!-- Header specifies a header key/value pair. This is modelled after HTTP and
should be checked if it is appropriate for other protocols too. -->
<!ELEMENT Header (Name, Value)>
<!-- Name is the header name, and should be followed by a colon (:), and then 
the header value. Arbitrary data can be specified using the base64 encoding 
type. If a header is specified with an empty value, that header should NOT be 
set by any other routines, for example, if one specifically requires no 
UserAgent, or Authentication headers. (The attack engine may be configured to 
add an Authentication header when testing a password protected site, for 
<!ATTLIST Name encoding (text | base64) "text">
<!-- Value defines the data appended to a given header key. It could contain
arbitrary data, either as plain text or binary using base64 encoding.
<!ATTLIST Value encoding (text | base64) "text">
<!ELEMENT MessageBody (Separator, Item+)>
<!-- Separator allows the test writer to provide multiple Item elements, and
have them separated by the specified separator. This could be an ampersand for
a typical POST message, or could be an entire MIME separator string, for 
multipart forms. The separator should be placed between each decoded Item. If
the separator is not set, then each Item should follow on directly from each 
In combination with the Item element, this allows the test writer to specify 
logically separated items that should be included in the message body. One may
choose to separate each variable POSTed to a server for readability, for 
instance, or may choose to supply the entire POST string in one Item element.
Multiple Items should simply be concatenated in order, separated by the 
Separator if defined.-->
<!ELEMENT Separator (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST Separator
	encoding (text | base64) "text"
<!-- Response contains information as to how the response received from the 
server should be treated. Typically, this involves setting certain variables,
based on the response, from the Status Code, through to specific text pattern 
<!ELEMENT Response (SetVariable+)>
<!-- SetVariable is similar to the Variable element, except it makes use of a
regular expression match to set the variable value, rather than specifying 
<!ELEMENT SetVariable (Description, Source)>
<!ATTLIST SetVariable
	type (string) #REQUIRED
<!-- The Source attribute may be one of status, body or header and describes 
which string to compare the regular expression to. The element value takes the
form of a Perl regular expression, and should include a single referenced 
pattern that will become the value of the variable (i.e. ${variable} = $1 ).
The pattern match should be done as a multi-line pattern match, and can 
include begin and end of line matches, to e.g. match Header strings.-->
<!ATTLIST Source
	source (status | body | header) #REQUIRED
<!-- TestCriteria are executed sequentially, until one successfully evaluates
a Compare "leaf" node. At that point, if the test type was "success", the next
step is executed, if it was "failure", the test is complete. If all 
TestCriteria elements are processed, and none successfully evaluates a Compare
"leaf" node, then there is an implicit "failure".

 type: specifies whether successful evaluation of the tests results in failure
       or success of the complete test. This is also related to the 
			 TestDescription/AlertOn element. If the result of the TestCriteria for 
			 the last step results in the a value equal to that specified in AlertOn,
			 it becomes a report item.-->
<!ELEMENT TestCriteria (ErrorMessage?, Compare+)>
<!ATTLIST TestCriteria
	type (success | failure) #REQUIRED
<!-- ErrorMessage allows for a test to return a notification to the operator, 
in the event of an unexpected failure, e.g. the test is looking for the 
presence of a vulnerable CGI program. One would expect a 404 or 302 response 
if it is not there, and a 200 response if it is there. The first would 
indicate failure, in which event no message is required, the second would 
indicate success, in which event the TestDescription message should be 
displayed to the operator. However, if the server returns a 500 message, 
because the server is currently overloaded, the test is inconclusive, and 
should possibly be rerun, after the operator has investigated and corrected 
the problem. This element provides for those kinds of messages. Any variables
defined using the ${variablename} format should be dereferenced when 
presenting the message to the operator.-->
<!ELEMENT ErrorMessage (#PCDATA)>
<!-- Using nested Compare elements it is possible to build complex logic.
Compare elements are evaluated depth first, starting at the top, and pruning
the tree if a comparison evaluates to false. The TestCriteria is satisfied if
a Compare leaf is reached, and evaluates to true, i.e. nested Compare elements
form an "and" condition while sibling Compare elements at the same depth form 
an "or" condition.

 variable: the variable to be used for comparison, it should be worked out
           what to do on undefined variables
	   test: comparison operator: eq(ual), n(ot) eq(ual), cont(ains), 
		       n(ot) cont(ains), g(reater) t(han), l(ess) t(han)
					 All comparisons are string comparisons (for the moment, until other
					 variable types are required)
<!ELEMENT Compare (Value, Compare*)>
<!ATTLIST Compare
	test (eq | neq | cont | ncont | gt | lt) #REQUIRED

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