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ws-caf-editors message

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Subject: Re: [ws-caf-editors] issues to deal with and current draft


I've addressed the issue assigned to me AND I've addressed a number of 
small bugs. Mark, please take care in merging. Can you do a "final", 
careful proof after merging? It would be great if someone could validate 
what I did with the ServiceReferenceType from the WS-RM TC. Simeon and I 
will send out the latest XML fixes tomorrow.

The one thing I have not included is the conformance claims that I said 
I would attempt to draw up. I found this to be difficult. I will consult 
with Martin a bit and provide an update tomorrow.


Mark Little wrote:

>Here's a list of issues I haven't dealt with, with names of people who could take them on. If you've already addressed an issue, let us all know (ignore any numbering as it comes from the original emails):
>1. Section 2.3, Figure 1 and paragraph following:
>To be consistent with ws-rm, the reference-scheme attribute should be optional, not required. (GREG)
>4. general: always use the terminology "referencing specifications" as opposed to specifications using ws-context (for e.g.)  I have an action to beef up 1.2 to make it clear that applications can be refernecinf specs c.f. the shopping cart. (MARTIN)
>- The sentence under figure 3 sounds like the client can enforce the
>addressing schemes
>  to be understood by the service. This should be reworded to say
>something like "a
>  service receiving a service-ref element containing a reference-scheme
>it does not
>  understand MUST generate the XXX fault". (ERIC)
>- Section 3, 2nd to last para: "If context-manager is dereferenced" -
>what does it mean
>  to dereference this element? It could be an HTTP GET, a SOAP request,
>or ... (MARK) (Though I think this is already covered in the specifically.)
>- Section 3.2, example: attribute mustUnderstand should be on context
>element and not
>  the soap:Header element. (GREG)
>- Section 5.2, sentence above begin: "The UserCTXService endpoint
>address is exchanged
>  during each operation in order to allow the Context Service to return
>the result of
>  the invocation." There is no description in either text, xsd, or wsdl
>indicating how
>  or where this address is located in a message. I assume this address
>is passed in an
>  element of type ServiceRefType, but it does not say. Is it expected
>that the address
>  be passed in a SOAP header? In order to provide for interoperable
>  we need to say how the address is passed. (MARK)
>- Section 3, setTimeout, 4th line: change associate to associated.
>What should a service do if it receives a context having insufficient
>information and
>not having a context-manager field? (ERIC)
>What does the namespace attribute mean on StatusType? (GREG)
>Mark Little,
>Chief Architect,
>Arjuna Technologies Ltd.


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