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Subject: Re: [ws-caf-editors] Re: [Fwd: final rev of ws-context]

LOL!  Sorry Mark... I didn't mean that in my email... I just wanted to 
double check to make sure everything was ok in the document wrt the 
schema.  I wasn't planning on changing anything.  Sorry that I conveyed 
that.  However I can do just what you expected and will.  I'm only sorry 
that I delayed things.  Oh well... I'll send out the updated document soon.


Mark Little wrote:

> I'm assuming that Simeon is going to update the document with his 
> changes. That was the way I read Simeon's email asking for the 
> document in the first place. Once it's updated, I'll generate the pdf 
> and we can release the *final* version (well, with any luck).
> Mark.
>     ----- Original Message -----
>     *From:* Greg Pavlik <mailto:greg.pavlik@oracle.com>
>     *To:* Mark Little <mailto:mark.little@arjuna.com>
>     *Cc:* Simeon Greene <mailto:simeon.m.greene@oracle.com> ; ws-caf
>     editors <mailto:ws-caf-editors@lists.oasis-open.org>
>     *Sent:* Friday, September 17, 2004 5:28 PM
>     *Subject:* Re: [ws-caf-editors] Re: [Fwd: final rev of ws-context]
>     OK, so is there another document coming out?
>     Mark Little wrote:
>>Simeon, you're right - it has none of your changes in.
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Simeon Greene" <simeon.m.greene@oracle.com>
>>To: "Mark Little" <mark.little@arjuna.com>
>>Cc: "Greg Pavlik" <greg.pavlik@oracle.com>; "ws-caf editors"
>>Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 4:21 PM
>>Subject: Re: [ws-caf-editors] Re: [Fwd: final rev of ws-context]
>>>Thanks Mark... I'm assuming this document you sent me does not have the
>>>last bit of changes I made to the schema yet.  What I mean is the
>>>addition of wsu:Id.  Because I do not see it in the contextType
>>>description of the document.  The ContextType should now look like
>>>(also... I included the new definition of context-identifier):
>>><xs:complexType name="ContextType">
>>>        <xs:sequence>
>>>            <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"
>>>minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
>>>            <xs:element name="context-identifier"
>>>            <xs:element name="context-service" type="ref:ServiceRefType"
>>>            <xs:element name="type" type="xs:anyURI" minOccurs="1"/>
>>>            <xs:element name="context-manager" type="ref:ServiceRefType"
>>>            <xs:element name="parent-context" type="tns:ContextType"
>>>minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
>>>        </xs:sequence>
>>>        <xs:attribute name="timeout" type="xs:int" use="optional"/>
>>>        <xs:attribute ref="wsu:Id" use="optional"/>
>>>    </xs:complexType>
>>>    <xs:complexType name="contextIdentifierType">
>>>        <xs:simpleContent>
>>>            <xs:extension base="xs:anyURI">
>>>                <xs:attribute ref="wsu:Id" use="optional"/>
>>>            </xs:extension>
>>>        </xs:simpleContent>
>>>    </xs:complexType>
>>>Mark Little wrote:
>>>>Here's what I have, incorporating all of the final action items for the
>>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>>From: "Simeon Greene" <simeon.m.greene@oracle.com>
>>>>To: "Greg Pavlik" <greg.pavlik@oracle.com>
>>>>Cc: "Mark Little" <mark.little@arjuna.com>; "ws-caf editors"
>>>>Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 8:44 PM
>>>>Subject: [ws-caf-editors] Re: [Fwd: final rev of ws-context]
>>>>>I made yet another update of the xml.  I added the wsu:Id attribute to
>>>>>context and also context-identifier.  Mark, could you send me a copy of
>>>>>the WSCTX document?  I'd like to double check the text with the xml
>>>>>Another thing to note:  I have provided imports for the schemas we need:
>>>>>But I have not provided the respective schemaLocations.  We may or may
>>>>>not want to do this when both these schemas are available from public
>>>>>urls (it seems that the security one is).  However, I've downloaded both
>>>>>schemas myself and double checked that the wsctx.xsd is completely
>>>>>valid.  It is!!  So, in my opinion we're looking pretty good here...
>>>>>until we decide to implement this thing ;-)
>>>>>Greg Pavlik wrote:
>>>>>>Can you add the wsu:id to the context schema (both places) and make
>>>>>>sure Mark updates the text examples accordingly? Ideally, we'd like to
>>>>>>get this out by COB Thursday. I may or may not be in on Thursday,
>>>>>>depending on how my body handles the red eye.
>>>>>>-------- Original Message --------
>>>>>>Subject: final rev of ws-context
>>>>>>Date: Tue, 14 Sep 2004 14:18:50 -0400
>>>>>>From: Greg Pavlik <greg.pavlik@oracle.com>
>>>>>>Organization: Oracle Corporation
>>>>>>To: Mark Little <mark.little@arjuna.com>
>>>>>>What needs to be done from an editorial perspective? Can you integrate
>>>>>>the content from the TC call?
>>>>>>I'll contact Simeon and ask him to review all XML and make the required
>>>>>>wsu:Id additions. (Someone needs to validate I did that right).
>>>>><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>>>>   xmlns:tns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wscaf/2004/09/wsctx.xsd";
>>>>>   xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";
>>>>elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
>>>>>   <xs:import
>>>>>   <xs:import
>>>>>   <!-- Fundamental wsctx types -->
>>>>>   <xs:complexType name="ContextType">
>>>>>       <xs:sequence>
>>>>>           <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"
>>>>minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
>>>>>           <xs:element name="context-identifier"
>>>>>           <xs:element name="context-service" type="ref:ServiceRefType"
>>>>>           <xs:element name="type" type="xs:anyURI" minOccurs="1"/>
>>>>>           <xs:element name="context-manager" type="ref:ServiceRefType"
>>>>>           <xs:element name="parent-context" type="tns:ContextType"
>>>>minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
>>>>>       </xs:sequence>
>>>>>       <xs:attribute name="timeout" type="xs:int" use="optional"/>
>>>>>       <xs:attribute ref="wsu:Id" use="optional"/>
>>>>>   </xs:complexType>
>>>>>   <xs:complexType name="contextIdentifierType">
>>>>>       <xs:simpleContent>
>>>>>           <xs:extension base="xs:anyURI">
>>>>>               <xs:attribute ref="wsu:Id" use="optional"/>
>>>>>           </xs:extension>
>>>>>       </xs:simpleContent>
>>>>>   </xs:complexType>
>>>>>   <xs:element name="service-ref" type="ref:ServiceRefType"/>
>>>>>   <xs:element name="context" type="tns:ContextType"/>
>>>>>   <xs:complexType name="StatusType">
>>>>>       <xs:simpleContent>
>>>>>           <xs:extension base="xs:string">
>>>>>               <xs:attribute name="namespace" type="xs:anyURI"/>
>>>>>           </xs:extension>
>>>>>       </xs:simpleContent>
>>>>>   </xs:complexType>
>>>>>   <xs:element name="status" type="tns:StatusType"/>
>>>>>   <xs:complexType name="CompletionCommandType">
>>>>>       <xs:simpleContent>
>>>>>           <xs:extension base="xs:string">
>>>>>               <xs:attribute name="namespace" type="xs:anyURI"/>
>>>>>           </xs:extension>
>>>>>       </xs:simpleContent>
>>>>>   </xs:complexType>
>>>>>   <xs:complexType name="AssertionType">
>>>>>       <xs:sequence>
>>>>>           <xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax"
>>>>>           <xs:element name="correlation-id" type="xs:string"/>
>>>>>           <!-- correlation id is mandatory -->
>>>>>       </xs:sequence>
>>>>>   </xs:complexType>
>>>>>   <xs:element name="assertion" type="tns:AssertionType"/>
>>>>>   <xs:complexType name="AssertionWithProtocolURIType">
>>>>>       <xs:complexContent>
>>>>>           <xs:extension base="tns:AssertionType">
>>>>>               <xs:sequence>
>>>>>                   <xs:element name="protocol-uri" type="xs:anyURI"/>
>>>>>               </xs:sequence>
>>>>>           </xs:extension>
>>>>>       </xs:complexContent>
>>>>>   </xs:complexType>
>>>>>   <xs:element name="begin">
>>>>>       <xs:complexType>
>>>>>           <xs:complexContent>
>>>>>               <xs:extension base="tns:AssertionWithProtocolURIType">
>>>>>                   <xs:sequence>
>>>>>                       <xs:element name="timeout" type="xs:int"/>
>>>>>                   </xs:sequence>
>>>>>               </xs:extension>
>>>>>           </xs:complexContent>
>>>>>       </xs:complexType>
>>>>>   </xs:element>
>>>>>   <xs:element name="begun" type="tns:AssertionType"/>
>>>>>   <xs:complexType name="completionType">
>>>>>       <xs:complexContent>
>>>>>           <xs:extension base="tns:AssertionWithProtocolURIType">
>>>>>               <xs:sequence>
>>>>>                   <xs:element name="completion-command"
>>>>type="tns:CompletionCommandType" minOccurs="0"/>
>>>>>               </xs:sequence>
>>>>>           </xs:extension>
>>>>>       </xs:complexContent>
>>>>>   </xs:complexType>
>>>>>   <xs:element name="complete" type="tns:completionType"/>
>>>>>   <xs:element name="completed" type="tns:completionType"/>
>>>>>   <xs:element name="get-status"
>>>>>   <xs:element name="got-status">
>>>>>       <xs:complexType>
>>>>>           <xs:complexContent>
>>>>>               <xs:extension base="tns:AssertionType">
>>>>>                   <xs:sequence>
>>>>>                       <xs:element ref="tns:status"/>
>>>>>                   </xs:sequence>
>>>>>               </xs:extension>
>>>>>           </xs:complexContent>
>>>>>       </xs:complexType>
>>>>>   </xs:element>
>>>>>   <xs:element name="get-activity-name"
>>>>>   <xs:element name="activity-name">
>>>>>       <xs:complexType>
>>>>>           <xs:complexContent>
>>>>>               <xs:extension base="tns:AssertionType">
>>>>>                   <xs:sequence>
>>>>>                       <xs:element name="activity-name"
>>>>>                   </xs:sequence>
>>>>>               </xs:extension>
>>>>>           </xs:complexContent>
>>>>>       </xs:complexType>
>>>>>   </xs:element>
>>>>>   <xs:element name="get-timeout"
>>>>>   <xs:element name="timeout">
>>>>>       <xs:complexType>
>>>>>           <xs:complexContent>
>>>>>               <xs:extension base="tns:AssertionType">
>>>>>                   <xs:sequence>
>>>>>                       <xs:element name="timeout" type="xs:int"/>
>>>>>                   </xs:sequence>
>>>>>               </xs:extension>
>>>>>           </xs:complexContent>
>>>>>       </xs:complexType>
>>>>>   </xs:element>
>>>>>   <xs:element name="set-timeout">
>>>>>       <xs:complexType>
>>>>>           <xs:complexContent>
>>>>>               <xs:extension base="tns:AssertionWithProtocolURIType">
>>>>>                   <xs:sequence>
>>>>>                       <xs:element name="timeout" type="xs:int"/>
>>>>>                   </xs:sequence>
>>>>>               </xs:extension>
>>>>>           </xs:complexContent>
>>>>>       </xs:complexType>
>>>>>   </xs:element>
>>>>>   <xs:element name="timeout-set">
>>>>>       <xs:complexType>
>>>>>           <xs:complexContent>
>>>>>               <xs:extension base="tns:AssertionType">
>>>>>                   <xs:sequence>
>>>>>                       <xs:element name="timeout" type="xs:int"/>
>>>>>                   </xs:sequence>
>>>>>               </xs:extension>
>>>>>           </xs:complexContent>
>>>>>       </xs:complexType>
>>>>>   </xs:element>
>>>>>   <xs:element name="get-contents" type="tns:AssertionType"/>
>>>>>   <xs:element name="contents">
>>>>>       <xs:complexType>
>>>>>           <xs:complexContent>
>>>>>               <xs:extension base="tns:AssertionType">
>>>>>                   <xs:sequence>
>>>>>                       <xs:element ref="tns:context"/>
>>>>>                   </xs:sequence>
>>>>>               </xs:extension>
>>>>>           </xs:complexContent>
>>>>>       </xs:complexType>
>>>>>   </xs:element>
>>>>>   <xs:element name="set-contents">
>>>>>       <xs:complexType>
>>>>>           <xs:complexContent>
>>>>>               <xs:extension base="tns:AssertionType">
>>>>>                   <xs:sequence>
>>>>>                       <xs:element ref="tns:context"/>
>>>>>                   </xs:sequence>
>>>>>               </xs:extension>
>>>>>           </xs:complexContent>
>>>>>       </xs:complexType>
>>>>>   </xs:element>
>>>>>   <xs:element name="contents-set" type="tns:AssertionType"/>
>>>>>   <!-- Faults -->
>>>>>   <xs:complexType name="FaultType">
>>>>>       <xs:complexContent>
>>>>>           <xs:extension base="tns:AssertionType">
>>>>>               <xs:sequence>
>>>>>                   <xs:element name="originator" type="xs:anyURI"/>
>>>>>                   <xs:element name="error-code" type="xs:anyURI"/>
>>>>>                   <xs:element name="description" type="xs:string"
>>>>>               </xs:sequence>
>>>>>           </xs:extension>
>>>>>       </xs:complexContent>
>>>>>   </xs:complexType>
>>>>>   <xs:element name="fault" type="tns:FaultType" abstract="true"/>
>>>>>   <xs:element name="general-fault" type="tns:FaultType"/>
>>>>>   <xs:element name="invalid-state-fault" type="tns:FaultType"/>
>>>>>   <xs:element name="invalid-context-fault" type="tns:FaultType"/>
>>>>>   <xs:element name="timeout-out-of-range-fault">
>>>>>       <xs:complexType>
>>>>>           <xs:complexContent>
>>>>>               <xs:extension base="tns:FaultType">
>>>>>                   <xs:sequence>
>>>>>                       <xs:element name="specified-timeout"
>>>>>                       <xs:element name="maximum-timeout"
>>>>>                   </xs:sequence>
>>>>>               </xs:extension>
>>>>>           </xs:complexContent>
>>>>>       </xs:complexType>
>>>>>   </xs:element>
>>>>>   <xs:element name="child-activity-pending-fault"
>>>>>   <xs:element name="no-context-fault" type="tns:FaultType"/>
>>>>>   <xs:element name="no-permission-fault" type="tns:FaultType"/>
>>>>>   <xs:element name="valid-context-expected-fault"
>>>>>   <xs:element name="unknown-context-fault">
>>>>>       <xs:complexType>
>>>>>           <xs:complexContent>
>>>>>               <xs:extension base="tns:FaultType">
>>>>>                   <xs:sequence>
>>>>>                       <xs:element name="context-identifier"
>>>>>                   </xs:sequence>
>>>>>               </xs:extension>
>>>>>           </xs:complexContent>
>>>>>       </xs:complexType>
>>>>>   </xs:element>

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