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ws-caf-implement message

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Subject: RE: [ws-caf-implement] Changes to Retailer.wsdl

What is stop the customer just taking things out of the shopping cart
list in the context, before propagating it back to a store ?

This would seem to be a feature of propagation by value.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Simeon Greene [mailto:simeon.m.greene@oracle.com] 
> Sent: 28 June 2004 20:00
> To: ws-caf-implement@lists.oasis-open.org
> Subject: [ws-caf-implement] Changes to Retailer.wsdl
> The following changes were made to the attached Retailer.wsdl file:
> 1) Removed CustomerDetail from the submitOrderRequest message 
> in the wsdl.
> <wsdl:message name="submitOrderRequest">        
> 	<wsdl:part name="CustomerDetails" 
> type="order:CustomerDetailsType"/>
>     </wsdl:message>
> is now 
> <wsdl:message name="getCatalogRequest"/>
> 2) Added a new operation: removeItemFromCart. To the 
> RetailerPortType. 
> This will make it easy to remove items from the shopping cart 
> present in the context.
> Regards,
> Simeon

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