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Subject: Re: [ws-calendar] Intervals

It needs to be included I think as the conceptual model doesn't work well withouit it -- and it's more difficult to explain vtodos to enery people :-)

Glad you noticed now!.


------Original Message------
From: Michael Douglass
To: ws-calendar@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [ws-calendar] Intervals
Sent: Jan 21, 2011 8:08 PM

As part of the rewrite I disappeared the interval.

The discussion we had regarding gluons or not gluons is also valid for 

If it is felt that intervals have sufficient semantic differences over 
vtodo to warrant their own component then they are easily reinstated. 
The changes to the schema would be to add something like the following 
to iCalendar-wscal-extensions.xsd

<xs:complexType name="WsCalendarIntervalType">
<xs:complexContent mixed="false">
<xs:extension base="xcal:BaseComponentType"/>

<xs:element name="x-wscalendar-interval" type="xcal:WsCalendarIntervalType"

As for other components, valid properties etc would be defined in meta-data

I should point out that the x-wscalendar-type property seems unnecessary 
in that case as the type is known from the containing component

It is also easier to profile a separate component - essentially a table 
per component defining its valid properties and components - rather than 
indexing by some internal property.

Reinstating them also means less changes to the WsCalendar spec...


Mike Douglass                           douglm@rpi.edu
Senior Systems Programmer
Communication&  Collaboration Technologies      518 276 6780(voice) 2809
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 110 8th Street, Troy, NY 12180

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