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Subject: Interop Pre-testing: WSD Device on Internet





I have been able to put a WSDDevice on the Internet and it’s available for your testing against. I’m sure there are a few bugs in my implementation, so don’t hesitate to send me an email telling something’s not working as expected.


One caveat: The WSDDevice is behind a DSL router, which is port forwarding to the WSDDevice behind it. What that means is the WSDDevice’s LAN address is different from the WAN address (I’m sure most of you know this stuff intimately), but I haven’t ‘fixed’ the WSDDevice to report the WAN address in its Metadata response (obtained via WS-Transfer), so although you can call WS-Tranfer::Get(), the IP Addresses in the metadata are wrong.


Here are the correct addresses to use for talking to it.


(I’m still working on the AttachmentService)


WS-Transfer::Get() & Directed PROBE should be sent to

SimpleService operations should be sent to

EventingService operations should be sent to


As a reminder for non US people….Thursday is Thanksgiving, so I’m off Thurs and Fri of this week.



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