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Subject: Outline for short talk

Here is a brief outline of the topics I want to talk about:

   * DPWS in Wireless Sensor Networks
     * One of our tasks in the ITEA-Project OSAMI
     * 6LoWPAN
       * IPv6 based on MAC Layer IEEE 802.15.4 (ZigBee uses this also)
       * compressed IPv6, UDP, TCP Headers inside 6LoWPAN network
       * normal IPv6, UDP, TCP Headers for communication with the 
       * http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/6lowpan-charter.html
       * Implementation: Contiki, uIP6
     * 6LoWAPP
       * Application level protocols on top of 6LoWPAN
       * http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-bormann-6lowpan-6lowapp-problem-01
       * DPWS is in their list of Related Standardization Activities
         * Mentioned together with Efficient XML Interchange (EXI)
   * Feedback to WS4D by Companies
     * Requested Features
       * UPnP-A/V on top of DPWS: TODO
       * more fine grained security profile based on WS-Security: is
       * Communication beyond subnet especially discovery: TODO
       * Combination with Efficiant XML Interchange: unclear
       * Streaming concepts based on SOAP over HTTP or UDP: unclear
   * WSDD 13
     * Site local scope address to send discovery messages required for
       Discovery in meshed / multi hop network topologies (6LoWPAN)
   * EXI: http://www.w3.org/XML/EXI/
     * We should clarify how and if DPWS (and underlying specs) can be
       composed with EXI
       * SOAP over HTTP: ?
       * SOAP over UDP: ?
   * Standards related to WS-DD standards
     * http://www.onvif.org/
     * http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-bormann-6lowpan-6lowapp-problem-01

Elmar Zeeb

    Dipl.-Inf. Elmar Zeeb
    Universität Rostock, Fakultät f. Informatik und Elektrotechnik
    Institut f. Angewandte Mikroelektronik und Datentechnik
    University of Rostock, Faculty of CS and EE
    Institute of Applied Microelectronics and Computer Engineering,
    18051 Rostock
    Tel. : ++49 (0)381 498 - 7262
    Fax  : ++49 (0)381 498 - 7252
    Email: elmar.zeeb@uni-rostock.de
    www  : http://www.imd.uni-rostock.de/, http://www.ws4d.org/

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