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Subject: CVS


Regarding CVS Jamie says (his full words below) we can use any CVS as long
as its stable, accessible, and a sand-box. Oh and OASIS has to approve it.
I think any license will be pretty important too.

So if you guys have a proposal, lets take it to Jamie. He also hinted that
longer-term it would be sorted for us.



Short-term, the relevant rule (at
http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/process.php#2.8) allows TCs to keep
work at off-site servers if "designated" by OASIS. Which is to say, if you
want to do something off-site that can't be done on-site, and you ask
staff, and it's reasonably configured to satisfy our policies and goals,
we're inclined to say yes.
-- This is new as of 15 April, so we're in early experiments.
-- "Reasonably configured," etc. includes, approximately, that (a) that
it's under proper controls, so we have some reason to be confident of its
short-term stability and availability, (b) it's accessible to all TC
members and (c) limited to sand-box work in progress, so that items get
moved over to the regular system as they solidify.
-- Don't put anything there that can't be moved. In other words, we
may take resources in-house as capabilities grow, so this kind of
arrangement should not be used with the expectation of a proposed permanent
archival locations.

Should I regard this as a request? And if so, has the TC consented,
who's hosting, and have they committed to maintaining appropriate
short-term access and stability? Regards JBC


Paul Fremantle,

STSM, WebServices standards and architecture
Hursley WebServices Team
Consulting IT Specialist
IBM Hursley Lab (MP 189)
 Winchester, SO21 2JN, UK

ph+fax    44 (0) 1962 815 078
int ph: 245 078

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