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Subject: RE: Fw: [ws-rx-editors] CVS

I think those are dangerous waters I would stay out of. I don’t even want to ask an attorney that question. I’m also adding our OASIS Board rep on this thread as I’m sure he has an opinion.


From: Doug Davis [mailto:dug@us.ibm.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 04, 2005 4:54 PM
To: Paul Fremantle
Cc: jamie.clark@oasis-open.org; sanjay.patil@sap.com; ws-rx-editors@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Re: Fw: [ws-rx-editors] CVS


Yes we can setup a project w/o releasing anything - I'm not just enough of a legal-wonk to know if we still need to be careful about the license we choose even if we don't release anything.

Paul Fremantle <pzf@uk.ibm.com>

08/04/2005 03:32 AM




sanjay.patil@sap.com, ws-rx-editors@lists.oasis-open.org


Fw: [ws-rx-editors] CVS





I don't see how we can release anything under any license except OASIS's.
Can you check what implication there is in using SourceForge - i.e. can we
set up a project and not release anything externally via SourceForge.


I assume SourceForge meets the OASIS "stability" requirements as long as we
can find a way thru the licensing issues. What timeframe is there on an
OASIS hosted service?


Paul Fremantle,

STSM, WebServices standards and architecture
Hursley WebServices Team
Consulting IT Specialist
IBM Hursley Lab (MP 189)
Winchester, SO21 2JN, UK

ph+fax    44 (0) 1962 815 078
int ph: 245 078

"God, however, has chosen the most perfect world, that is to say the one
which is at the same time the simplest in hypotheses and the richest in
phenomena." Leibniz
---------------------- Forwarded by Paul Fremantle/UK/IBM on 04/08/2005
08:26 ---------------------------

Doug Davis <dug@us.ibm.com> on 04/08/2005 07:09:38

To:    Paul Fremantle/UK/IBM@IBMGB
cc:    "Patil, Sanjay" <sanjay.patil@sap.com>,
Subject:    Re: [ws-rx-editors] CVS

 Could you ask Jamie for permission to use SourceForge?  I seems like it
should be easy since other projects (like bpel) already use it.  The only
open question is the license we should use.  The complete list of licenses
is here:  http://opensource.org/licenses/   - I think OASIS might need to
provide guidance as to the appropriate license we should use.

Paul Fremantle <pzf@uk.ibm.com>                                          
08/03/2005 08:41 AM                                                    To
                                                  "Patil, Sanjay"        
                                                  [ws-rx-editors] CVS    


Regarding CVS Jamie says (his full words below) we can use any CVS as long
as its stable, accessible, and a sand-box. Oh and OASIS has to approve it.
I think any license will be pretty important too.

So if you guys have a proposal, lets take it to Jamie. He also hinted that
longer-term it would be sorted for us.



Short-term, the relevant rule (at
http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/process.php#2.8) allows TCs to keep
work at off-site servers if "designated" by OASIS. Which is to say, if you
want to do something off-site that can't be done on-site, and you ask
staff, and it's reasonably configured to satisfy our policies and goals,
we're inclined to say yes.
-- This is new as of 15 April, so we're in early experiments.
-- "Reasonably configured," etc. includes, approximately, that (a) that
it's under proper controls, so we have some reason to be confident of its
short-term stability and availability, (b) it's accessible to all TC
members and (c) limited to sand-box work in progress, so that items get
moved over to the regular system as they solidify.
-- Don't put anything there that can't be moved. In other words, we
may take resources in-house as capabilities grow, so this kind of
arrangement should not be used with the expectation of a proposed permanent
archival locations.

Should I regard this as a request? And if so, has the TC consented,
who's hosting, and have they committed to maintaining appropriate
short-term access and stability? Regards JBC


Paul Fremantle,

STSM, WebServices standards and architecture
Hursley WebServices Team
Consulting IT Specialist
IBM Hursley Lab (MP 189)
Winchester, SO21 2JN, UK

ph+fax    44 (0) 1962 815 078
int ph: 245 078

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