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Subject: Re: [ws-rx-editors] New version of WSRM doc with minor ed fixes

Gilbert Pilz wrote:
> W/regards to the addition of the "wsrm:" qualifier when an element name
> is mentioned in the text; I noticed that you applied it to things like
> "Sequence" and "SequenceAcknowledgement" but not to things like
> "Identifier", "MessageNumber" or "LastMessage". Any reason for this?

Good catch.
I did a search-and-replace for the top-level elements. I'll make those 
changes and send another version around. Will do so sometime today in 
the afternoon -- have some calls to attend :-(

Marc: sorry about the .sxw document. I'll send a PDF version in my next 

> Also, I couldn't tell from the document which changes you considered to
> be in which categories (though I could guess most of the time). I wonder
> if we should use the OpenOffice "Note" feature to call these things out?

The document contains only changes from the 1st category.
I did not want to mix the two. As I said in my previous email, I'll send 
the changes in the 2nd category in a separate email. "Note" sounds like 
a good idea, I'll make sure that it converts correctly to PDF.

> - g
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Anish Karmarkar [mailto:Anish.Karmarkar@oracle.com] 
>>Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 7:03 PM
>>To: ws-rx-editors@lists.oasis-open.org
>>Subject: [ws-rx-editors] New version of WSRM doc with minor ed fixes
>>I went through the WSRM document and came across a bunch of 
>>stuff that I divided into three categories (see below). This 
>>was done to identify and raise issues now rather than towards 
>>the end (when we are ready to ship and don't have time to fix 
>>it) -- for those who were on WS-I Basic Profile WG, you will 
>>know what I'm talking about ;-)
>>1) Ed stuff with trivial fixes -- these are trivial errors 
>>that I found and fixed. The attached doc includes these fixes 
>>(with change tracking turned on).
>>2) Ed stuff with non-trivial fixes -- these are ed issues, 
>>which may need some discussion amongst the editors. I'll send 
>>them in a subsequent email.
>>3) Issues that need to be raised on the TC ML. I'll send 
>>those to the TC list.
>>Please let me know if anyone disagrees with the changes that 
>>I've made.
>>Rather than listing the changes here, it is quite easy to get 
>>a list from the attached document. The nature of the changes 
>>include things like removal of the old copyright notice, font 
>>changes to make things consistent, fixes for minor ed. 
>>oversight/errors, inclusion of forward references, adding the 
>>'wsrm:' prefix to the XML elements, changing 'fabricam123.com 
>>to 'example.com' etc.
>>I'm not sure what sort of editorial leeway the TC has granted 
>>us, I'm going to assume none, till explicitly authorized by 
>>the TC. If/once we agree on the changes we can upload the doc 
>>to the TC site and get approval from the TC.

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