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Subject: Re: [ws-rx-editors] Non-trivial editorial comments

Patil, Sanjay wrote:
> Are new issues already raised for the substantial changes? 
> Sorry for asking this. I am still working on my pending emails and may
> be this is already taken care.

No, this has not been taken care of. I'll do so tomorrow.


> Thanks,
> Sanjay 
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Anish Karmarkar [mailto:Anish.Karmarkar@oracle.com] 
>>Sent: Sunday, Sep 11, 2005 23:29 PM
>>To: Marc Goodner
>>Cc: ws-rx-editors@lists.oasis-open.org
>>Subject: Re: [ws-rx-editors] Non-trivial editorial comments
>>I have not heard any other response (from the other editors) on the 
>>non-trivial changes. Any other comments?
>>Marc: my responses below within <ask></ask>. Thanks for reviewing the 
>>changes and sending comments.
>>I have gotten one response on the trivial changes (from Doug 
>>saying that 
>>it looked ok to him). If I don't hear anything about the trivial 
>>changes, I'll forward it to the TC before this week's call.
>>Marc Goodner wrote:
>>>Wow, that's a lot of changes. I have detailed comments below <mg>. I
>>>think some of these are fine, some I think you should raise editorial
>>>issues. I also promised to look into some of your proposed 
>>changes that
>>>I can't answer, I'll try to respond by tomorrow.
>>>I think when the next round of pending issues gets 
>>incorporated here a
>>>WD and redline should be produced with a similar note style 
>>to what you
>>>have here. Instead of commenting on what editorial changes 
>>you want to
>>>make it should explain the redline editorial changes. I 
>>would advise to
>>>play it safe and raise an editorial issue if you ever think 
>>a change is
>>>substantive or sensitive.
>>>Marc g
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Anish Karmarkar [mailto:Anish.Karmarkar@oracle.com] 
>>>Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 6:29 PM
>>>To: ws-rx-editors@lists.oasis-open.org
>>>Subject: [ws-rx-editors] Non-trivial editorial comments
>>>Attached are the .sxw and .pdf files that include the non-trivial
>>>editorial comments (in the form of OO Notes) that I mentioned in 
>>>my previous email.
>>>The attached .sxw file contains OO Notes (equivalent of 
>>>WS-Word/Acrobat Comments). But the OO Notes are hard to read and 
>>>list (not very helpful compared to Word/Acrobat). They can only 
>>>be listed when printing.
>>>While converting to PDF, OO provides an option to list the Notes 
>>>at the end of every page (on which they occur). The attached PDF 
>>>file contains such listing.
>>>There are only three ways to look at the Notes: (1) look at the 
>>>PDF, (2) move your cursor over the tiny yellow rectangle (where 
>>>the comment appears) in .sxw file, (3) print the doc and specify 
>>>in the options that you want the Notes.
>>>To make it easier, I have listed all the Notes at the end of 
>>>this email.
>>>I have turned the change bars off to remove the clutter from 
>>>the previous edit. Please note that I have made two new inlined
>>> changes:
>>>Line 268:
>>>children and/or attributes MAY be added at the indicated extension
>>>children elements and/or attributes MAY be added at the indicated
>>>extension points
>>><mg>Seems OK
>>I'll include this as part of the trivial changes.
>>>Lines 346-347:
>>><wsrm:SequenceAcknowledgement> header block at any point.  
>>The timing of
>>>acknowledgements can be advertised
>>><wsrm:SequenceAcknowledgement> header block at any point during which
>>>the sequence is valid.  The timing of acknowledgements can 
>>be advertised
>>><mg>Seems OK
>>I'll include this as part of the trivial changes.
>>>Summary of Notes:
>>>Page : 2 Line : 22 Author : AK 08/16/2005
>>>This seems out of place. I would like to suggest that we add a new
>>>subsection under
>>>introduction called 'Relation to other specification'. We can include
>>>this para as well as
>>>stuff about conformance to WS-Addressing in it.
>>><mg>I'm not as convinced it needs to be moved, I'm open to the
>>>suggestion though.
>>That section just looks out of place. The usual order is: abstract, 
>>followed by Introduction. A lot of spec (eg soap 1.2 etc) include a 
>>'relation to other specs' where they talk about related specs, 
>>restrictions if any, etc etc. I also think that the spec needs a clear 
>>statement about conformance to WS-Addressing . WS-Addr is one WS spec 
>>that is absolutely required (where as SOAP/WSDL are not). All of this 
>>logically seems to belong to a section such as 'Relation to 
>>other spec'. 
>>Also see the comment about line 120. But I'm open to other 
>>suggestions too.
>>[.1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/REC-soap12-part1-20030624/#reltoxml
>>>Page : 5 Line : 92 Author : AK 08/16/2005
>>>It would be nice to use language similar or same as the
>>>WS-Addressing/WSDL 2.0 spec
>>>which use the same notation (modulo copyright concerns). This is of
>>>course not critical,
>>>just consistency across ws-* specs. Regardless, we do need to add
>>>statements about what
>>>{any} and @{any} mean
>>><mg>Agreed on the anys
>>>Page : 6 Line : 109 Author : AK 08/16/2005
>>>This is ambigious. How about replacing this stmt by something like:
>>>"Elements defined by this specification below to the 
>>following namespace
>>><mg>I don't really agree that it is ambiguous. Let me look 
>>at some other
>>>examples and respond.
>>Ok. Will wait for your response.
>>The ambiguity is in -- what does it mean to implement a 
>>namespace? What 
>>we really want to say is that the elements defined in this particular 
>>spec below to the http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/02/rm 
>>namespace URI.
>>>Page : 6 Line : 118 Author : AK 08/16/2005
>>>Add the following:
>>>Namespace names of the general form "http://example.org/..."; and
>>>"http://example.com/..."; represent application or 
>>context-dependent URIs
>>>(see RFC 2396
>>>[RFC 2396]).
>>><mg> Sure
>>>Page : 6 Line : 120 Author : AK 08/16/2005
>>>This para shouldn't be under the 'namespace' subsection. How about
>>>moving this to the
>>>'relationship with other spec' subsection?
>>><mg> Hmmm, I suppose
>>>Page : 9 Line : 172 Author : AK 08/16/2005
>>>This is the same definition as ws-addressing. I would like to suggest
>>>that we just point to
>>>the ws-addr spec for this.
>>><mg>I usually agree with points like that but I'm not so 
>>sure we want to
>>>remove the definition of Endpoint. Maybe a subsection of terms used
>>>throughout this spec that are defined elsewhere? Still ugly.
>>Yes, that is ugly.
>>But why would we not want to point to the WS-Addressing spec, 
>>since the 
>>meaning is exactly the same and there is a normative dependency on 
>>WS-Addr spec anyway. WSRM talks about endpoints in the same way as 
>>ws-addr does and uses EPRs to identify them which are defined in 
>>WS-Addressing. Having a definition which is different from 
>>but using EPRs to identify the endpoints would be very weird.
>>>Page : 13 Line : 239 Author : AK 08/16/2005
>>>This paragraph is applicable to section 3 as well as section 
>>4. Suggest
>>>that we move this
>>>to section 1.
>>><mg>Makes sense.
>>>Page : 13 Line : 267 Author : AK 08/16/2005
>>>Change it to say : "... mustUnderstand attribute with a 
>>value of 1/true
>>>Page : 13 Line : 270 Author : AK 08/16/2005
>>>there are several reference to RFC2396. 2396 is obsoluted by 3986.
>>>Or like ws-addressing we could move to IRIs (RFC 3987)
>>><mg>We might want to flag this one at a higher level than just an
>>>editorial issue.
>>Agreed. This is much more than editorial.
>>>Page : 14 Line : 273 Author : AK 08/16/2005
>>>The phrase 'based on schemas' (or 'based on schema to be passed') is
>>>used anywhere
>>>extensibility is defined. I don't understand this phrase. If the
>>>intention is to say that the
>>>extensibility attributes/elements must not be from the WSRM schema
>>>("##other") then
>>>we should say exactly that.
>>><mg>I'd like to double check that one, I'll try to get an answer
>>>tomorrow. Please bug me if I forget. (I've only got two hours
>>>unaccounted for...)
>>considered yourself bugged. :-)
>>>Page : 14 Line : 294 Author : AK 08/16/2005
>>>not quite accurate. I would like to suggest that we use the XPATH
>>>notation used above.
>>>I.e. /wsrm:Sequence/wsrm:LastMessage
>>><mg>Makes sense
>>>Page : 15 Line : 313 Author : AK 08/16/2005
>>>A better way to say 'return messages' is to say:
>>>'... included in a response message, in the case of a 
>>><mg>Sure, but a SequenceAcknowledgement does not necessarily 
>>come back
>>>on a response of a request-response mep which is probably why the
>>>current wording is the way it is. I can certainly read over it easily
>>>enough to get that would be a resp in a req/resp mep. I 
>>think its fine
>>>as is.
>>Thinking more about this, I think this is perhaps a 
>>non-editorial issue. 
>>It is not just a return or a response message that it can be included, 
>>it can be included in any non-return message as well. I.e., consider a 
>>bidirectional RM sequence (but over a one-way transport like an email 
>>binding or over two different protocols). The messages sent in the 
>>opposite direction may not be a response/return message and is sent as 
>>an independent message. It should be perfectly ok (my 
>>interpretation/opinion) to have a wsrm:SequenceAcknowledge 
>>header blocks 
>>on such unrelated messages.
>>>Page : 15 Line : 338 Author : AK 08/16/2005
>>>should 'optional' and 'required' words in the spec be 
>>converted to RFC
>>>2119 OPTIONAL
>>>and REQUIRED. The occurrances seem to indicate the same 
>>meaning as the
>>><mg>For lines 332 and 338 I think you are right. I can run 
>>that around
>>>here as well. I think this is a case by case and not a global search
>>>replace though.
>>I should have better qualified my comment. I meant that this 
>>be replaced 
>>only in section 3.
>>>Page : 15 Line : 341 Author : AK 08/16/2005
>>>Given that there can be multiple SeqAck headers in a message, an
>>>accurate way of saying
>>>this is:
>>>"... MUST NOT be present if a sibling <wsrm:Nack> element is also
>>>present ..."
>>><mg>I think you are right.
>>>Page : 21 Line : 534 Author : AK 08/16/2005
>>>too vague. A wsrm:Offer element can be in the extensibility point. A
>>>better way would be
>>>to use the xpath like syntax that is already being used.
>>><mg>I don't think that is vague. Maybe hard to understand 
>>but not vague.
>>>;-) Anyway what would your proposed text be? I can't quite 
>>work out what
>>>xpath statement + wording would make that easier to grok.
>>It is not accurate for the following reason:
>>Consider the case where there is an element -- 
>>In this case, the <wsrm:CreateSeqence> message does *contain* 
>>element, but that is not what we are concerned with.
>>I would suggest replacing:
>>"This element MUST be present if the corresponding 
>>message contained an <wsrm:Offer> element."
>>"This element MUST be present if the corresponding 
>>message contained an /wsrm:CreateSequence/wsrm:Offer element."
>>>Page : 24 Line : 597 Author : AK 08/16/2005
>>>The default fault action URI is defined only for the SOAP 
>>binding and it
>>>is meant only for
>>>ws-addressing related faults. This para should be deleted OR specific
>>>action(s) should be
>>>defined for WSRM faults.
>>><mg>I think you should raise an editorial issue on this one.
>>Ok. Will do.
>>>Page : 24 Line : 598 Author : AK 08/16/2005
>>>this means any version of ws-addressing that is used in the message.
>>>If that is not the intend (which I don't think it is), we 
>>need to tie it
>>>down to a specific
>>>version of WS-Addressing (W3C one)
>>><mg>I say make this part of the issue above. Note that an 
>>issue needs to
>>>be raised to add the W3C version of Addressing as well. I agree the
>>>investigation should be done now but we should point to both the
>>>contribution and the final Rec. I believe that the Rec will get out
>>>before we're done.
>>Ok. Will do.
>>I think WS-addr will be a REC before WSRM is done, as well.
>>>Page : 26 Line : 678 Author : AK 08/16/2005
>>>I assume this is intended to say fault [subcode]. Is that correct?
>>><mg>Don't know, I'll add it to my investigate list.
>>Any input on this?
>>>Page : 32 Line : 813 Author : AK 08/16/2005
>>>The reference style is inconsistent. Sometimes the author 
>>name is listed
>>>first, sometimes it
>>>is title first.
>>><mg>Fix it.
>>will do.
>>>Page : 32 Line : 818 Author : AK 08/16/2005
>>>need a soap 1.2 ref too
>>><mg>Yeah, seems like an oversight to not have it in the namespaces at
>>>the beginning as well.
>>I'll go ahead and add it.
>>>Page : 32 Line : 820 Author : AK 08/16/2005
>>>never used. need to include this (or IRI) ref where ever 2396 is used
>>><mg>Good catch.
>>>Page : 32 Line : 825 Author : AK 08/16/2005
>>>never used. this could be reference where we talk about schema
>>><mg>Good catch.
>>>Page : 32 Line : 827 Author : AK 08/16/2005
>>>never used. could be used where we talk about schema types
>>><mg>Good catch.
>>>Page : 32 Line : 833 Author : AK 08/16/2005
>>>this isn't used either. Why is this a normative reference?
>>><mg>The reference is not used but it should be where Secure 
>>>is discussed in the Security Considerations section.
>>The question is, why is it normative?
>>But this isn't an ed. question. I'll raise this as a separate issue.
>>And you are right that it needs to be referenced from the Security 
>>consideration section.
>>>Page : 32 Line : 836 Author : AK 08/16/2005
>>>should be removed, never used
>>><mg>I thought there was reference to this somewhere. I'd 
>>like to double
>>>check this.
>>I searched for it, it is not there.
>>>Page : 33 Line : 842 Author : AK 08/16/2005
>>>none of these references are used
>>><mg>I suppose so.
>>><mg>OK it's late I can't check the rest of that tonight. My 
>>initials may
>>>be mg, I may work for Microsoft, but I am NOT a human schema 
>>>Page : 34 Line : 860 Author : AK 08/16/2005
>>>why is this import needed?
>>>Page : 34 Line : 880 Author : AK 08/16/2005
>>>all other types are non-anon types. Why is this an exception? for
>>>consistency I would
>>>suggest making this a non-anon type
>>>Page : 35 Line : 887 Author : AK 08/16/2005
>>>should we restrict the unsignedLongs to be > 0?
>>>Page : 35 Line : 907 Author : AK 08/16/2005
>>>The spec uses wsrm:MessageNumber not 
>>wsrm:MaxMessageNumberUsed. The spec
>>>says that if there is a diff between the schema and the spec then the
>>>spec wins. But I'm not
>>>sure if this is true in this case.
>>>Page : 36 Line : 931 Author : AK 08/16/2005
>>>for consistency should we call this FaultCodeType
>>>Page : 36 Line : 943 Author : AK 08/16/2005
>>>should this be tns:FaultCodes instead of xs:QName?
>>>Page : 36 Line : 963 Author : AK 08/16/2005
>>>Schema does not contain SecurityTokenReference but the spec does
>>>Page : 48 Line : 1254 Author : AK 08/16/2005
>>>why is this imported? It is never used.

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