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ws-rx-editors message

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Subject: Re: [ws-rx-editors] Three questions

Yalcinalp, Umit wrote:
> -- We decided to submit two documents one without the change bars and 
> one including the changebars.
> What do we label the pdf version that contains the diffs? I propose we 
> label the document with a _diff.pdf marker in the same to distinguish 
> from the pdf which does not have the diffs. If you have any other naming 
> suggestion, please let me know.

Sounds good to me.

> -- Since I directly posted the earlier documents to the website, I will 
> introduce them (the baseline and 0.1 for Policy into our repository + 
> pdf with + pdf without the diff). From now on, I suggest we only publish 
> to the tc document after we agree to publish. Since we did not agree on 
> this before, I will keep the two repositories in sync.
> -- When will we have yyyy/mm determined so that we can update the specs?

I have included "200510" in the wsrm doc (since we plan to publish the 
CD in oct). But I suppose this is something that the TC should decide/bless.

Paul/Sanjay: can we get this on this week's agenda?



> Let me know whether you agree to proceed as outlined or have sth else in 
> mind.
> --umit

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