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ws-rx-editors message

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Subject: Groups - wsrmp-1.1-spec-wd-01.sxw (wsrmp-1.1-spec-wd-01.sxw) modified

Information about the document named wsrmp-1.1-spec-wd-01.sxw
(wsrmp-1.1-spec-wd-01.sxw) has been modified by Gilbert Pilz.

Document Description:
The resolution of the following issues has been applied to this document:

-- i001
-- i015/i016 
-- i017 (partially since yyyy/mm needs to be determined). This also
the doc URL which is left at TBD. 
-- Copyright from the original document has been removed. 
-- Updated change log
-- i013 + minor ed + fixed i017
-- i009 + added word "observed". Pending i024 wording approval by the tc.
-- ed fixes, changed the date to Oct 6th.

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-OASIS Open Administration

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