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ws-rx-editors message

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Subject: Any ideas about my action item?

Title: Any ideas about my action item?


I got a friendly reminder from our chairs. Apparently, someone assigned me an action item to find out the why we redefine receive for which there is an open issue [1].  While I was not present in a concall, it got assigned to me ;-). Since wsrm spec is not what I normally focus on, I really do not have the context here as to why we do have two different definitions.

Could someone (Doug or Anish) comment/take this item since you guys did the editing on this spec?



[1] http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-rx/issues/ReliableMessagingIssues.xml#i070

Dr. Umit Yalcinalp
Standards Architect
NetWeaver Industry Standards
Tel: (650) 320-3095

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