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Subject: FW: [ws-rx] AI #0057 - Editors will report on the mailing list those procedures they use before posting a WD

I am wondering whether we should add steps for incorporating each issue as the agreed resolution gets incorporated to a wd in addition to the posting a WD.
-- This step is not part of the wd posting to the team, but E assumes that each person indicates the resolved issue in the description field. It may be beneficial to record the assumption for completeness (I am aware that everyone is following this implicit step already in recording resolutions) so that we could replicate this process in another TC.
-- We also have the procedure that the wd revisions are kept by adding revisions to a specific draft number. This is again implied by post publishing tasks, but not explicit F as we agreed to those in separate threads in updating a specific draft within the editor's team.
I do not expect someone else to volunteer to become an editor in this tc at this stage and learn all this. However, it would be beneficial to gather the general procedures outlined for BOTH working with wd and publishing the drafts to the tc so that we could replicate it somewhere else.
Makes sense?

From: Gilbert Pilz [mailto:Gilbert.Pilz@bea.com]
Sent: Thursday, Jan 12, 2006 12:55 PM
To: ws-rx@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: [ws-rx] AI #0057 - Editors will report on the mailing list those procedures they use before posting a WD

 Here's the procedures.

  1. Check and verify schema and WSDL files

The following XML documents are maintained separately from the specification documents:

Verify that each of these documents is both well-formed and a valid instance of its type (XML Schema, WSDL, etc.). The editors are encouraged to co-ordinate the various tools (oXygen, XMLSpy, etc.) used to validate these documents to avoid a monoculture with regards to validation. In other words, different tools should be used to prevent the creation of implementation specific bugs within these documents.

If a document is not well-formed or fails to validate use your best judgment on how to address the issue. Minor corrections and omissions can be fixed immediately. Changes in function or semantics should be addressed via an issue in the Technical Committee.

  1. Generate Clean PDF

    1. Import and format linked sections. This can be done by either having the correct files in place (c:\temp) when you open the document, or later by invoking “Tools->Update->Update All”. To format the linked text select the text and apply the “Code” style.

    2. Regenerate Table of Contents.

    3. Check current document.

      1. check document version on title page

      2. check “Document identifier”

        1. title page

        2. footers

      3. check date

        1. title page

        2. footers

      4. check Revision History against list of known changes

    4. Pick any one of 3 different ways to generate the PDF. Double check your file/arifact name before you hit the OK button.

  2. Generate PDF With Change Bars

    1. Accept all changes in the current document “Edit->Changes->Accept or Reject”. Once you have done this you need to be careful to never check the resulting history-less version of the document back into Kavi under the current “stage” and “revision” (e.g. wd-08). This history-less version will form the base of the next version of this document (see step (F.1)).

    2. Download the previous source-format version of your current document.

    3. Accept all changes in the previous version of the document and save this file. Once you have done this you need to be careful to never check the resulting history-less version of the document back into Kavi. Your local copy of the previous version is now a temporary document to be used solely for the purposes of generating the correct change bars.

    4. From within the current document compare the current document to the previous version of the document (“Edit->Compare Document”). With changes showing generate a PDF. Remember to add “-diff” to the file/artifact name.

  3. Review PDFs With Editors

Distribute the PDFs created in steps (B) and (C) amongst the editorial team and solicit feedback. Time permitting, editorial issues should be fixed immediately (return to step (B)). Larger issue should be addressed through the TC process. Repeat steps (B) through (D) until the editorial team concurs that the documents are fit to publish.

  1. Publish the PDFs on the Main TC Page

The current folder for working drafts is “Editors Drafts” and the current folder for committee drafts is “Committee Drafts”.

It is helpful to copy the “Description” field from the latest copy of the source-format version. This allows people that are looking for the changes resulting from a particular issue to more easily find the draft version that incorporated those changes without having to open multiple drafts.

  1. Post Publishing Tasks

    1. Rename the history-less version of the current document to the next working draft increment (e.g. wd-08 becomes wd-09, cd-02 becomes wd-10).

    2. Upload the new working document into Kavi under the “Calendar Documents” folder. Make sure to name the document in Kavi appropriate to its Stage, Revision, and Form (e.g. wsrm-1.1-spec-wd-09.odt).

    3. Move the old working document from the “Calendar Documents” folder to the “Closed Editors Drafts” folder.

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