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Subject: RE: [ws-rx-editors] new WDs

Thanks Marc - I put all of these into WD11.  As for the stuff in table one - I decided to just go ahead and make the change - it puts it more in line with all of the other specs and if this monkey gets slapped for it... oh well   ;-)

"Marc Goodner" <mgoodner@microsoft.com>

02/22/2006 11:25 PM

Doug Davis/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS, <ws-rx-editors@lists.oasis-open.org>
RE: [ws-rx-editors] new WDs

I haven’t finished reviewing the core spec… its been nuts this week… but one typo I did find was on line 236, two periods.. Also the sentence that follows that period begins with an xml element name, starting that sentence with “The” might make it more readable.
Line 336 has an invalid mailto: link in it I only saw by actually looking at the doc on screen, I usually review these on paper with a red pen so I’m not likely to catch anymore like that.
Also line 84 is the first mention of WSS and WS-Policy but there is no reference to them, e.g. [WS-Policy].
This one might need to be a new issue, but in table one S is defined as the SOAP 1.2 namespace and S1 is SOAP 1.1. I think there should be an S2 as SOAP 1.2 namespace and then S would be defined as S1 or S2. Thoughts on that one?
I’m not confident I’ll review any further tonight since I had my first call at 7AM today and my tomorrow is at 8AM (and I’m so looking forward to more “anonymous” discussion). If I do I’ll post here as soon as I find any more editorial nits. If I do get through the rest and don’t find any more I’ll also let you know.
BTW, I’ve finished with RM Policy and don’t have anything to add to what has already been noted.
Marc Goodner
Technical Diplomat
Microsoft Corporation
Tel: (425) 703-1903
Blog: http://spaces.msn.com/mrgoodner/

From: Doug Davis [mailto:dug@us.ibm.com]
Wednesday, February 22, 2006 6:00 PM
[ws-rx-editors] new WDs



I created new WDs for the specs - might be jumping the gun a bit but I didn't want to lose the couple of minor typos that have been noticed so far.  If we don't accept the current WDs as CD and need to reopen the old WDs then I'll just erase these new WDs and retro fit the changes.


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