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ws-rx-editors message

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Subject: WD editorial comments/questions

I’m still need to do a second pass, but here are the results from my first pass. Page numbers are from the pdfs without diff lines.


All three specs

·         Footers need the dates updated. I recommend scanning throughout for 2006 to update to 2007 (copyright, etc.)

·         Link issues from RM PDF, I stopped checking further after I discovered that these don’t seem to be issues in the generated html. Is there a known issue with the tool you are using to generate the pdf? I noticed similar issues in the other specs. Even in the html the links to internal document bookmarks, e.g. section headings or references are often either broken or not active.

o   Spec location link is not active

o   Anish’s email is not hyperlinked in the editor list, the others are

o   None of the references in the abstract and the other sections are links though they look like links

o   In status section the IPR link is not active, 2nd link to TC page is not active

o   TOC, Section heading links are broken, Appendix entries are not links



·         Page 8, section 2.3 “in stead” should be “instead”

·         Page 23, section 3.9, under Nack definition, the second to last sentence “within a AcknowledgementRange” should be “within an AcknowledgementRange”

·         Page 25, section 4, should WSRM Required be WSRMRequired? The section heading for that fault has the space so its probably correct as it is.

·         Page 29, section4.7 “can not” should be “cannot”


RM Policy

·         No other issues.



·         Page 10, section 3.2 2nd to last bullet “E.g. In” should be “E.g. in”




The schema/wsdl has changed. Are the separate files ready?

Have the XML examples in the specs been checked to make sure they are valid?



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