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Subject: Re: [ws-rx-editors] Groups - WS-RX_CS-01_DirStructured.zip uploaded

One observation and one question/request:

In the package files sent by Doug and Gilbert:

Archive:  Latest-WSRX-22690.zip

   48640  Defl:N    11530  76%  01-18-07 09:41  9a00213b  RM Model.ppt
   28672  Defl:N     6158  79%  01-01-07 13:30  26e86ec5  MC Model.ppt

Archive:  WS-RX_CS-01_DirStructured-22694.zip

   31232  Defl:N     6271  80%  01-01-07 13:30  63805691  ws-rx/wsmc/200702/MC Model.ppt
   48640  Defl:N    11403  77%  01-18-07 09:41  9a00213b  ws-rx/wsrm/200702/RM Model.ppt

* the byte count differs for 'MC Model.ppt' in the two archives

* request that the filenames be changed to (e.g.,) 'RM-Model.ppt'
  and 'MC-Model.ppt', since the OASIS Library naming rules disallow
  SPACE character in filenames.  Actually, there was some question
  about this when I installed files earlier -- are they canonical to
  the WSRM/WSMC distributions?  See HYPHEN for SPACE here:



Robin Cover


On Fri, 2 Mar 2007 gilbert.pilz@bea.com wrote:

> Here are the CS-01 files in their appropriate directory structure including
RDDLs. I've changed the links in the RDDL files to be relative, so you can
test the links before Robin actually deploys these.
> - the RDDL'er

 -- Gilbert Pilz

The document named WS-RX_CS-01_DirStructured.zip has been submitted by
Gilbert Pilz to the WS-RX Editors SC document repository.

Document Description:
CS-01 files in the appropriate directory structure

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-OASIS Open Administration

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