Hi Doug,
Yes, that’s fine. Just send me the new file. Since it’s
basically just metadata about the spec there’s no need for the TC to vote on
From: Doug Davis
Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2008 4:29 PM
To: mary.mcrae@oasis-open.org
Cc: ws-rx-editors@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: WSMC webpage title
Gil just
pointed out to me that the title of the web page at:
"OASIS Web Services Reliable Messaging Protocol Specification".
It should talk about MakeConnection instead - clearly a typo. Since this
just changes the RDDL file can we make this update w/o the TC having to vote on
it - they never really vote on RDDL changes (I think)?
STSM | Web Services Architect | IBM Software Group
(919) 254-6905 | IBM T/L 444-6905 | dug@us.ibm.com