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Subject: Pl produce new revisions before the 11/20 conf-call
Dear Editors,
On 11/6 conf-call the TC opened and resolved two new issues - Issue 164 [2] and Issue 165 [3], both of which seem to be of trivial nature and meant for fixing typo, etc.
On the next conf-call (11/20), the TC may resolve to start a ballot for approving new CS revisions and submit the same for an OS vote (in next year). In anticipation of such resolutions on the next conf-call and to speed up the subsequent steps in the approval cycle, could you please produce new revisions of our specifications before the next conf-call that incorporate the resolutions for Issue 164 and Issue 165.
[1] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ws-rx/200811/msg00001.html
[2] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ws-rx/200810/msg00003.html
[3] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ws-rx/200810/msg00004.html
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