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ws-rx-implement message

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Subject: Interop doc scenario 1.3

In the scenario doc for 1.3 we close down the sequence after messages 1 and 3 were acked.  There's a problem here.  Depending on how the incoming message is sent, and depending on the implementation choices, message #3 may or may not ever get acked.  Its possible that the RMD could block on processing of message #3 until message #2 arrives.  This is because, even though its a one-way a Fault could still be generated and would need to flow back on the http response flow - hence an implementation may choose to block waiting until it knows for sure that no fault needs to go back.  This then gets into the entire anon-replyTo issue - which we don't want to get into.  Therefore I see a couple of options:
1 - send a close after just #1 is acked
2 - send a close after a certain amount of time
3 - assume everyone will send an independent AckRequested message that will then allow the ack for msg #3 to flow back.

I can go with any of these.  Thoughts? others?


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