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Subject: Re: [ws-rx] i021 Proposal

Christopher B Ferris wrote:
> Thinking about this proposal, I am concerned that what is not clear is 
> what is the expected behavior
> should the policy be expressed as Message Policy Subject (MPS) for 
> selected input and/or output|fault messages
> and then either side goes a step further and sends messages that have 
> NOT been designated as reliable.

An absence of an RM assertion does not tell you anything -- RM may be 
supported or not.
I don't think this has anything to do with whether an RM assertion is 
expressed as MPS. What would happen if there wasn't any RM assertion on 
the port/binding/message and a RM message is received? The same thing 
would happen in this case.

> Specifically, I am concerned that there might be two flavors of RM 
> implementation: one that only supports
> EPS and one that supports MPS granularity. It would be a problem IMO if 
> these two flavors of RM implementation
> did not interoperate.

I don't quite see the issue. Implementations have to support the spec, 
you can't pick and chose to support one part of the spec and not the other.

In any case, if the implementation does not support MPS then it would 
not understand assertions attached to the messages and would not know 
apriori wither RM is required/supported.

> I am thinking that what may be needed is two assertions: one for the 
> endpoint (EPS) that effectively proclaims
> that "this endpoint supports WS-RM", period. A second assertion with MPS 
> could then be used to decorate
> the WSDL to indicate which messages SHOULD be sent reliably, but would 
> NOT preclude that other messages
> be sent reliably.

I'm not sure why we can't say the same thing while using a single QName. 
  When processing a policy assertion it is important to take into 
account where the assertion is attached -- isn't that essentially what 
WS-policy model is?

> Alternately, there would likely need to be some statement made to the 
> effect that if ONLY MPS is specified, then
> there is an implicit claim that the assertion ALSO applies to EPS to 
> indicate "RM supported". However, I am not clear as to whether
> Policy effectively supports this notion of transitive policy subject UP 
> the food-chain.
> I think that unless we have such a notion of two-levels of policy 
> subject as applied to RM
> assertions, that there will be potential interoperability issues. For 
> instance, what if a message that was
> NOT designated as being reliable were sent reliably? If the RMD 
> implementation were to reject this message, then the
> Sequence is effectively broken because the MessageNumber has been used 
> but will never be acknowledged.

Isn't that true for a lot of cases, where it is not know apriori that RM 
is supported. I would imagine that if RM is supported at an endpoint 
then the WSDL port would be annotated.
For example, I can see a scenario where RM assertion is specified at the 
messages with required=true and the same assertion is specified at the 
port with required=false (or whatever is the right term in WS-Policy).
This would communicate to the clients that for a particular message RM 
must be used, for other message you may.

> I'm not suggesting that this is the behavior that one would expect, just 
> that given what it states in the proposal
> below, it isn't clear what responsibility the RMS and RMD have.
> Thus, I am thinking that we really need two assertions, one with EPS and 
> the other with MPS to get this
> right, and to ensure interoperability.
> The semantic of the one with EPS is "WS-RM Supported|Required" and MAY 
> be attached to either
> a wsdl:binding or wsdl:port and MUST NOT be attached to any other WSDL 
> component.
> The semantic of the one with MPS is "SHOULD be sent reliably". It MAY be 
> attached to any of:
>     * wsdl:binding/wsdl:operation/wsdl:input
>     * wsdl:binding/wsdl:operation/wsdl:output
>     * wsdl:binding/wsdl:operation/wsdl:fault
> It MUST NOT be attached to any other WSDL component. When used in the 
> context of an
> endpoint that proclaims "WS-RM Required" (e.g. <wsrmp:RMAssertion 
> wsp:Optional="false"/>) then
> the designated message(s) MUST be sent as part of an RM Sequence, 
> otherwise, the receiving
> endpoint SHOULD generate a fault (TBD with semantics of "RM REQUIRED"). 
> When used
> in the context of an endpoint that proclaims "WS-RM Supported" (e.g. 
> <wsrmp:RMAssertion wsp:Optional="true"/>)
> then the sending endpoint MAY send the designated messages as part of an 
> RM Sequence.
> The receiving endpoint MUST NOT generate a "RM REQUIRED" fault. The 
> receiving endpoint
> SHOULD (MUST?) permit messages that have not been designated "SHOULD be 
> sent reliably" to be
> included in an RM Sequence.
> Finally, there is the issue of the scope of the EPS assertion. Does it 
> apply only to messages sent to
> the service provider endpoint, or does it apply to messages sent in 
> either direction?
> One use case that needs to be covered is that for pub/sub, where the 
> subscriber endpoint is the one
> that would want to assert that the messages be delivered reliably (or 
> not as the case may be),
> but where the service provider (the publisher) could go either way (RM 
> supported).
> Doug had a proposal that provided for the wsa:ReplyTo EPR to carry in 
> its metadata, a policy
> assertion that indicated whether RM was supported/required, much as the 
> service provider can
> do by decorating its WSDL description.
> The question then becomes, how does one express this if it is to deal 
> with MPS as opposed to
> simply EPS? WS-PolicyAttachments has defined a domain expression for EPR 
> which we could
> use, but that would only give us EPS.
> We could invent some domain expression for WSDL and use that for an 
> external policy attachment
> using PolicyAttachment. I am not comfortable having the WS-RX TC do a 
> domain expression for
> WSDL though, and we'd have to do more than one flavor anyway (sigh).
> Quite frankly, I am not at all confident that the proposal below really 
> addresses all of the issues.
> I personally think that we would be best off for NOW going with JUST EPS 
> scope for the
> assertion and having the RM assertion mean:
> <wsrmp:RMAssertion wsp:Optional="true"/> == WS-RM supported. The sending 
> endpoint MAY choose to use
> a Sequence to send any (or all) of the messages sent to the endpoint as 
> described in the WSDL.
> <wsrmp:RMAssertion wsp:Optional="false"/> == WS-RM required. The sending 
> endpoint MUST use a
> Sequence for all messages sent to that endpoint as described in the WSDL.
> When the policy assertion is attached to a WSDL port/endpoint or 
> binding, it applies to messages
> sent from the service consumer to the service provider.
> When attached to an EPR, it means any (or all) messages sent to the 
> referenced endpoint be sent
> using RM.
> Cheers,
> Christopher Ferris
> STSM, Emerging e-business Industry Architecture
> email: chrisfer@us.ibm.com
> blog: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/blogs/dw_blog.jspa?blog=440
> phone: +1 508 377 9295
> "Patil, Sanjay" <sanjay.patil@sap.com> wrote on 02/22/2006 03:33:06 PM:
>  > Here is an updated proposal for resolving the long pending issue
>  > i021. The key difference in comparison to what exists in the WS-RM
>  > Policy specification today is that -- the proposal allows Message
>  > Policy Subject (in addition to the Endpoint Policy Subject) for the
>  > RM Policy assertion.
>  > I would also like to bring to your notice that this proposal:
>  > -- Avoids text that would repeat the semantics already addressed in
>  > WS-PolicyAttachment, for example, an Endpoint Policy Subject applies
>  > to behaviors associated with all the message exchanges of the
>  > endpoint, and applies to aspects of both communicating with as well
>  > as instantiating the endpoint. So the proposal would seem a bit
>  > short and dry to some people!
>  > -- Does not include any recommendations for which wsdl elements
>  > (among those that are allowed by the proposal - wsdl:port Vs. wsdl:
>  > binding Vs.binding level messages) are more appropriate for policy
>  > attachment, since this may simply be a matter of best practices and
>  > there are no strong technical reasons for the specification to
>  > promote one approach over another, IMO.
>  > -- Does not include any text related to whether and how EPR
>  > contained policies may interact with the WSDL attached policies,
>  > since I couldn't arrive at any precise and useful (normative) text
>  > in this regard.
>  > Please try to send in your comments before the conf-call tomorrow 
> (2/23)!
>  > -- Sanjay
>  > 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
>  > Replace the entire content of section 2.3 (Assertion Attachment) in
>  > the WS-RM Policy specification with the following:
>  > The RM policy assertion is allowed to have the following Policy
>  > Subjects [WS-PolicyAttachment]:
>  > Endpoint Policy Subject
>  > Message Policy Subject
>  >
>  > WS-PolicyAttachment defines a set of WSDL/1.1 [WSDL 1.1] policy
>  > attachment points for each of the above Policy Subjects. Since an RM
>  > policy assertion specifies a concrete behavior, it MUST NOT be
>  > attached to the abstract WSDL policy attachment points.
>  > The following is the list of WSDL/1.1 elements whose scope contains
>  > the Policy Subjects allowed for an RM policy assertion but which
>  > MUST NOT have RM policy assertions attached: 
>  > wsdl:message
>  > wsdl:portType/wsdl:operation/wsdl:input
>  > wsdl:portType/wsdl:operation/wsdl:output
>  > wsdl:portType/wsdl:operation/wsdl:fault
>  > wsdl:portType
>  >
>  > The following is the list of WSDL/1.1 elements whose scope contains
>  > the Policy Subjects allowed for an RM policy assertion and which MAY
>  > have RM policy assertions attached:
>  > wsdl:port
>  > wsdl:binding
>  > wsdl:binding/wsdl:operation/wsdl:input
>  > wsdl:binding/wsdl:operation/wsdl:output
>  > wsdl:binding/wsdl:operation/wsdl:fault
>  >
>  > If the RM policy assertion appears in a policy expression attached
>  > to a wsdl:binding as well as to the individual wsdl:binding level
>  > message definitions(wsdl:binding/wsdl:operation/wsdl:input, wsdl:
>  > binding/wsdl:operation/wsdl:output, wsdl:binding/wsdl:
>  > operation/wsdl:fault), the parameters in the former MUST be used and
>  > the latter ignored.
>  > If the RM policy assertion appears in a policy expression attached
>  > to a wsdl:port as well as to the other allowed WSDL/1.1 elements,
>  > the parameters in the former MUST be used and the latter ignored.

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