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Subject: i090 - Offer, let's get back to the original question
Let’s get back to discussing the original issue
i090. The discussion has been entirely hijacked by issue i089 at this point
which isn’t helping us. I’ll take my share of the blame here since
I offered a compelling use case for Offer that involved an anonymous uri in the
ReplyTo, but that isn’t the only use. So let’s leave that
completely to the side and see if this still makes sense. I think it does. The original issue i090 noted that the RMD does not know
where to send protocol messages and has to make assumptions (which is bad).
Proposal 2, which I made, was that the protocol messages for the accepted Offer
should go to the ReplyTo. I accept that this proposal may need to be revised,
but I do stand by the direction there. That is, if an Offer is included in a CS
then the Offered sequence MUST be associated to a well-known EPR; the ReplyTo
of the CS in my proposal. This provides for simple usage of Offer in
non-multiplexing scenarios. The example given in the issue is not a good one for the
use of Offer. This example has two applications are sharing a presumably long
running sequence to a common endpoint. It then asks in this scenario if when
the RMS were to Offer the reverse long running sequence, which endpoints would
that sequence be used for? I would suggest that Offer is not for the
establishment of long running sequences that service multiple applications.
Offer could easily be used here if each application had its own sequence. It is
the multiplexing of multiple apps over the same sequence that confuses the
proper use of Offer and deserves further clarification in the spec beyond what
has been proposed to date. Let’s turn this around for a second. How did the RMS
in this example establish a sequence to the RMD, possibly even absent an
application request to do so, and the RMD establish a reverse sequence back to
the RMS (now acting as an RMD)? How did the RMS know the two apps should share
the sequence to the RMD? How does the RMD know that it has a reverse sequence
back to the RMS that it can use for application replies? Does it have a catalog
of the many possible EPRs that possibly pertain to the reverse sequence? What if
an EPR is related to more than one sequence established with one or more
RMS(s)? These are all implementation details that are not spelled out in the
spec. Does that mean that we should prohibit multiplexing multiple apps over a
single sequence? Not in my opinion. It seems useful. It will take a clever
implementation to do it right though. Especially to do this securely if all
those apps are sharing the same sequences. Let’s imagine we have an application that wants to
invoke a service one or more times over a short period of time over an
unreliable network and get its responses reliably. Say the address book query
program described in issue i090 running on a notebook tethered via Bluetooth to
a handi connected to the internet over GSM. Not unreliable enough? Let’s
add a VPN connection to the corpnet where the address book app is running. In
this scenario providing an Offer removes a full req/resp leg. Whether you want
to call it an optimization or not I don’t care, this seems of some
benefit. Marc Goodner Technical Diplomat Microsoft Corporation Tel: (425) 703-1903 Blog: http://spaces.msn.com/mrgoodner/
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