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Subject: NEW ISSUE: suggested editorial tweaks

Title: editorial tweaks


suggested editorial tweaks

Target: core (CD3 WS-RM)


change line 141 from:

The protocol supports reliability features which include ordered delivery, duplicate elimination, ...


The protocol supports reliability features that enable ordered delivery, duplicate elimination, ...

Change line 143:

In any case the wire protocol does not change.


Regardless of which of the reliability features are employed, the wire protocol does not change.

Change line 218 from:

associated acknowledgement may have been lost.


associated acknowledgement might have been lost.

Line 337: text is BLUE, should be black.

Change line 370 from:

If the RM Source wishes to close the Sequence then it sends a


If the RM Source wishes to close the Sequence, then it sends a

There are numerous places throughout the specification where the term "Sequence"
uses lower-case "S". I believe that all uses of the term Sequence should be typographically
consistent and use a capital "S".

s/sequence/Sequence/g where the term is used as a noun.

I also spotted a couple of instances where the term RM Source used a lower-case "s".

s/RM source/RM Source/g
s/RM destination/RM Destination/g

Change line 534 from:

The RM Source may request an acknowledgement


The RM Source MAY request an acknowledgement


Christopher Ferris
STSM, Software Group Standards Strategy
email: chrisfer@us.ibm.com
blog: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/blogs/dw_blog.jspa?blog=440
phone: +1 508 377 9295

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