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Subject: RuleML-2008 Call for Participation - One week left for Early BirdRegistration

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                      CALL FOR PARTICIPATION


                2008 International RuleML Symposium

         on Rule Interchange and Applications (RuleML-2008)


                October 30-31, 2008, Orlando, Florida




  ***   The early registration deadline is only ONE WEEK away ***

                       on 19 September 2008

              Register by September 19, receive $100 off.

                 Special team discounts also available  




                        Open Calls


           RuleML-2008 Challenge/Showcase Demos,

        Lightning/Highlight Talks & Fast Abstracts


             Submission deadline: September 15




We invite you to attend the 2008 International RuleML Symposium on Rule

Interchange and Applications (RuleML-2008) to be held during October 30-31,

2008 in Orlando, Florida. As this is a relatively new event, being only its

2nd year, participants can make a difference about shaping the future

direction and structure of the field, including about rule standards

supporting their own approaches and about their own possible involvement in

the organization of future events.


Co-located with the 11th International Business Rules Forum, RuleML-2008

provides a unique opportunity to exchange your ideas about practical

distributed rule technologies and rule-based applications. Meet the Web

experts and discuss with them status and progress of the rules technology.

Discuss your recent work with colleagues in the informal atmosphere of the

symposium. You should not miss the high-quality technical presentations, the

innovative applications presented in detail and the state of the art reports

of the plenary speakers. RuleML-2008 is a must for all people active in

technologies or entering the field.


The scope of RuleML-2008 covers all topics relevant to rule-based

technologies, rule interchange formats and rule-based applications as well

discussions of lessons learned that have to be taken into account when

employing rule-based technologies in distributed, (partially) open,

heterogeneous environments.




Technical Program



The symposium will feature a strong, single-track technical program

consisting of:


* Keynote speakers:

  o Michael Kifer (State University of New York at Stony Brook), on "Rule

    Interchange Format: Not Just Syntax".

    Joint keynote between RuleML-2008 and RR2008.

  o David Luckham (Stanford University, USA) on "The Power of Events: An

    Introduction to Complex Event Processing in Distributed Enterprise


  o Paul Haley (Haley Systems, Inc) on "Event and Process Semantics will


  o Benjamin Grosof (Vulcan, Inc.) on the SILK KRR system of the

    HALO project.

* Joint Lunch Panel held in conjunction with the co-located Business Rules

  Forum on "Rules on the Web".

* Lightning talks/Highlight talks

* A RuleML-2008 Challenge with prizes to demonstrate tools, use cases, and


* Industry, demo and scientific research & development papers and

  presentations advancing and assessing the state of the art in event and

  rule-based systems selected in a peer-reviewed fashion by an

  international program committee.

* Papers will be published as a Springer LNCS proceedings. A related journal

  special issue (IEEE TKDE) on "Rule Representation, Interchange and

  Reasoning in Distributed, Heterogeneous Environments", open to all, has

  been scheduled.

* Social events to promote networking among the symposium delegates in an

  informal setting.


The full symposium program is available at:




RuleML-2008 Registration



Early Registration Deadline:   September 19, 2008

Late Registration Deadline:    after September 19, 2008

RuleML-2008 Symposium:         October 30-31, 2008


The registration page is available at:



As shown there, special discounts are available for our collaboration

partners and sponsors, as well as a group discount.


The symposium will be held at the Buena Vista Palace in Orlando,

Florida, near the Walt Disney World Resort. Information about

the symposium venue are available here:





RuleML-2008 Challenge



The new RuleML-2008 Challenge provides an excellent opportunity to

demonstrate rule-based tools, use cases, and applications (and to win a

prestigious prize). Late-breaking demos for the RuleML-2008 Challenge are

welcome. Please send title, author(s) and brief description by September,

15th to ruleml2008@easychair.org


More detail can be found at:




Co-located with:


         The 11th International Business Rules Forum



Sponsored by:


Gold level  : Vulcan Inc

Silver level: Model Systems

Bronze level: STI Innsbruck, ruleCore, JBoss


Sponsoring opportunities: http://2008.ruleml.org/sponsoring/


In Co-operation with:


AAAI, W3C, BPM-Forum, Business Rules Forum, ECCAI, OASIS, OMG,

Dallas Rules Group, Belgium Business Rules Forum, MIT Sloan CIO Symposium,

Event Processing Technical Society, ACM, ACM SIGART, ACM SIGMIS, ACM SIGWEB,

Open Research Society, IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Systems Man and

Society, IEEE SMCS TC on Intelligent Internet Systems, IEEE SMCS TC on

Distributed Intelligent Systems, IEEE Computer Society TC on Autonomous and

Autonomic Systems


Media Partners:

                  Springer LNCS, MoDo Marketing


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