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Subject: Special Issue of the IJCNIS Journal - Cross-layer optimization techniques and security in next generation networks

Special Issue of the IJCNIS Journal
"Cross-layer optimization techniques and security in next generation networks"

Editor-in-Chief :  Shafiullah Khan

Guest Editors:        Velmurugan Ayyadurai, Jaime Lloret, Rastislav Róka

International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS, http://ijcnis.kust.edu.pk/) is preparing the first Special Issue focusing on theories, methods, and applications in cross-layer optimization techniques and security in next generation networks. The topics covered by this Special Issue of the IJCNIS Journal include, but not limited to, the following topics:

- Cross-layer Optimization Techniques in Next Generation Networks
- Optimization Techniques in Communication Networks
- Optimization Techniques for Network Virtualization
- Optimization Techniques for Energy Efficient Usage
- Optimization Techniques for Seamless Mobility Management
- Optimization Techniques for Resource Allocation
- Optimization Techniques for Cognitive Networks
- Cross-layer Optimization Techniques for Wireless Mesh Networks
- Cross-functionality Designs in Next Generation Networks
- Cross-layer Design and Security in Next Generation Networks
- Cross-layer Mechanisms for QoS
- Cross-layer Control for next generation networks
- Cognitive Radio Optimization in Next Generation Networks
- Cross-layer Security Protocols
- Cryptographic Techniques in Next Generation Networks
- Emerging Security Issues in Next Generation Networks
- Security Optimization in Next Generation Networks
- User Profiling and Context Awareness for Social Networking
- Open Smart City Networks using Next generation networks

Peer Review

All manuscripts will be subject to a well established, fair, unbiased peer review and refereeing procedure, and are considered on the basis of their significance, novelty and usefulness to the Journals readership. Papers should be submitted to the contact editor. The review process may take approximately one month to be completed. 

Time Schedule

Submission date:                September 1, 2010
Notification date:                October 1, 2010
Camera ready:                 November 1, 2010
Tentative Publication:        End of 2010.

Velmurugan Ayyadurai (Contact Editor)
University of Surrey

Jaime Lloret
Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain

Rastislav Róka
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia

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