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Subject: CFP: COLLA 2011 | June 19-24, 2011 - Luxembourg
INVITATION: ================= Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate groups the following opportunity to submit and publish original scientific results. ================= ============== COLLA 2011 | Call for Papers =============== CALL FOR PAPERS, TUTORIALS, PANELS COLLA 2011: The First International Conference on Advanced Collaborative Networks, Systems and Applications June 19-24, 2011 - Luxembourg General page: http://www.iaria.org/conferences2011/COLLA11.html Call for Papers: http://www.iaria.org/conferences2011/CfPCOLLA11.html Submission deadline: February 5, 2011 Sponsored by IARIA, www.iaria.org Extended versions of selected papers will be published in IARIA Journals: http://www.iariajournals.org Please note the Poster Forum and Work in Progress options. The topics suggested by the conference can be discussed in term of concepts, state of the art, research, standards, implementations, running experiments, applications, and industrial case studies. Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited to, topic areas. All tracks are open to both research and industry contributions, in terms of Regular papers, Posters, Work in progress, Technical/marketing/business presentations, Demos, Tutorials, and Panels. Before submission, please check and conform with the Editorial rules: http://www.iaria.org/editorialrules.html COLLA 2011 Topics (topics and submission details: see CfP on the site) Cooperation and collaboration mechanisms Collaborative computing; Cooperation as interface sharing; Collaboration as knowledge sharing; Ethics and trust in collaborative cross-domains; Cooperative emotion; Planning and managing collaborative applications and projects; Semantic and ontology challenges in collaborative environments; Cooperation and collaboration pitfalls; Groupware supporting single-display collaboration; Sharing data and decisions; Coalitions and negotiations in cooperative environments; Adaptive collaboration; Integrating cross-organizational applications; Cooperative data extraction and data integration; Secure collaboration; Dynamic cooperative environments; Visualization of cooperative processes Collaborative architectures and mechanisms Fundamental theoretical aspects of distributed collaboration; Methodologies and tools for design and analysis of collaborative user applications; Frameworks for human-centric based group collaboration; Distributed collaborative workflows; Architectures, protocols, and technologies for collaborative networks and systems; Collaboration and negotiation protocols; Quality of collaboration in collaborative networks, systems, and applications; Modeling for collaboration; Cloud-based collaboration; Agent-based collaborative environments; Collaboration techniques in resource intensive environments; Security, privacy and trust in collaborative networks, systems, and applications Collaborative applications Collaboration in pervasive computing applications; Collaborative e-education, e-learning, and collaborative computing in digital libraries; Models and mechanisms for real-time collaborative applications; Distributed technologies for group collaboration; Collaborative games; Web-based communities; New data distribution models to facilitate group collaboration; Social computing and inter-cultural collaboration Collaborative infrastructures Collaborative, context-aware infrastructure; Collaborative mobile networks and infrastructures; Collaborative, location-aware mobile systems/applications; Collaborative sensor networks, unmanned air and ground vehicle networks and applications; ; Peer-to-peer and overlay networks, systems, and applications; Collaborative services Collaborative technologies for fast creation and deployment of new mobile services; Web services technologies and collaboration; Service-oriented architectures for collaborative networking and applications; Trusted collaborative services; Collaborative entertainment systems and services; Computer supported cooperative design; Adaptive content distribution Collaborative users Human/robot collaboration; Collaborative social networks and web-based collaboration; Computer supported collaborative work with distributed systems; Human-centric ubiquitous collaboration; Social networks and community discovery; Markets, auctions, exchanges, and coalitions Tools and benchmarking Methodologies and tools for design and analysis of collaborative user applications; Simulation, performance evaluation, experiments, and case studies of collaborative networks and applications; Dedicated hardware and software enabling collaboration; Technologies for creating dynamic social networks; P2P platforms for supporting collaboration; Energy management for collaborative networks; Tools for collaborative decision making processes; Trustworthy collaborative business processing in groupware organizations; Visualization techniques and interaction devices; Visual languages for collaborative networks and applications; Workflow management for collaborative networks/systems COLLA Advisory Chairs Dennis McLeod, University of Southern California - Los Angeles, USA Lasse Berntzen, Vestfold University College – Tønsberg, Norway Jaime Lloret Mauri, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain Petre Dini, Concordia University, Canada / China Space Agency Center, China COLLA Industry Liaison Chairs Gokce Banu Laleci Erturkmen, SRDC Ltd., Turkey COLLA Research Liaison Chairs Vicente Romero, Atos Research & Innovation, Spain Antonio De Nicola, ENEA, Italy COLLA Publicity Chairs Miguel Garcia Pineda, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain Tanja Vos, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain COLLA 2010 Technical Program Committee http://www.iaria.org/conferences2011/ComCOLLA11.html ====================
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