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Subject: Agenda for SX internal prep Monday, Dec 11
1) TC action items AI-2006-11-15-02 - TC Chairs: spin up an OASIS submission form for Trust/SC and solicit information as needed from members via the SX email list 2) Issues in Review status None. 3) New issues Element Names Inconsistent in Layout Policy http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/ws-sx/email/archives/200612/msg00015.html 4) Active issues i122 - Use cases should include example messages and descriptions on how header content corresponds to policy. New draft of examples doc uploaded, contains two examples for review. http://www.oasis-open.org/archives/ws-sx/200612/msg00010.html 5) Pending issues None. 6) AOB What is our position on, and involvement in, the Examples Doc going forward?
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