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Subject: Fwd: [wsbpel] Issue - 109 - Compatibility of Abstract and ExecutableProcesses

Thanks, Nick for the explanation today regarding abstract process definition progress. As an input to this process, see attached the message regarding Issue 109, sent to the wsbpel list 16 August 2004. Reference:

Thank you.
--- Begin Message ---
Issue 109 talks about more explicitly defining the relationship and 
compatibility of abstract and executable processes. The abstract 
subgroup had briefly discussed if/how to lay the groundwork for 
conformance or compatibility parameters that may be included in this 
specification. See original issue at: 

Therefore, Ron Ten-Hove and I have provided below an initial 'ready to 
execute' constraint list that could be used to start on a verifiable 
checklist for static analysis.  This could assist us in understanding 
the continuum (referenced in abstract process subgroup) from abstract to 

    * No <from opaque="yes"> elements in <assign> activities
    * No <opaque> activities [1]
    * No other use of opaque placeholders that we may devise.
    * All variables are initialized before use (where statically
    * No omission of variable reference attributes in <invoke>,
      <receive>, <reply>, and <onMessage> activities. Variable reference
      attributes defined.
    * Start activity defined (serves as a trigger for the executable
    * Constrain the initial <receive> to have a correlation set. May
      also affect a singleton instance or multiple instances active in
      parallel. [2] [3]

[1] Given decision on Issue 107
[2] Given decision on Issue 120
[3] Note: If engine-managed correlation is used, this precludes static 
constraints on <process> defined correlation sets (i.e. Inbound messages 
can be "magically" associated with an existing process instance, without 
use of any declared correlation sets).  See issues such as 96.

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--- End Message ---

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