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wsbpel-chair message

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Subject: Keith Swenson Requests Membership in Web Services Business Process Execution Language TC

Keith Swenson of Fujitsu wishes to join Web Services Business Process Execution Language TC. He or she is eligible for membership based on membership rules for this group.

Please visit http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsbpel/manage/pending_request.php to evaluate this request and to see all of the other pending requests to join this group.

Additional information entered by Keith Swenson in support of his/her application:

I have been involved in WSCI and other W3C activities, the OMG workflow interface standard, WfMC interface 2 and 4 standards, as well as BPMI.  All of these "process" oriented protocols as somewhat related.  I was also an early web services pioneer with the SWAP protocol.

Thank you,

The Group Messenger Service

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