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Subject: Arun Candadai Requests Membership in Web Services Business Process Execution Language TC
Arun Candadai of Individual wishes to join Web Services Business Process Execution Language TC. He or she is eligible for membership based on membership rules for this group. Please visit http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsbpel/manage/pending_request.php to evaluate this request and to see all of the other pending requests to join this group. Additional information entered by Arun Candadai in support of his/her application: I am a member of OASIS and would like to join the BPEL TC to share and contribute to the TC on efforts related to business process orchestration, inter-enterprise collaboration, message/data standards, and web service registries. I am well versed and very experienced in building large scale inter-enterprise applications, web services, and collaborative business processes. -- Thank you, The Group Messenger Service
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