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Subject: Re: [wsbpel-chair] RE: Information for the Oasis WS BPEL TechnicalCommittee

Hi Allen and welcome.
We understand that there are situations that will preclude your participation in some meetings and appreciate your consideration in letting us know.  Just to make sure you know the relatiohsip of attendance to membership - when you signed up you became a prospective member - you will become a voting member after three meetings or 60 days whichever comes first.  During this time, you need to meet the same attendance requirements as other members.  This means you should attend two out of every three meetings - otherwise the move to voting member will be delayed.  Unfortunately, there is no such thing as an excused absence.  While you are a prospective member you may participate in all activities of the TC except voting.
We look forward to working with you.  
Regards, Diane
IBM  Emerging Internet Software Standards
(919)254-7221 or 8-444-7221, Mobile: 919-624-5123, Fax 845-491-5709

Allen Brookes <abrookes@roguewave.com>

11/09/2004 07:02 PM

"'wsbpel-chair@lists.oasis-open.org'" <wsbpel-chair@lists.oasis-open.org>
[wsbpel-chair] RE: Information for the Oasis WS BPEL Technical Committee

Not sure this is the right address to respond to.  I will not be able to
attend the Nov 10 telcon.  I'm attending the W3C WSD face-to-face.


-----Original Message-----
From: wsbpel-chair@lists.oasis-open.org
Sent: Monday, November 08, 2004 12:03 PM
To: abrookes@roguewave.com
Cc: wsbpel-chair@lists.oasis-open.org; wsbpel@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Information for the Oasis WS BPEL Technical Committee

Welcome to the WS BPEL Technical committee!   We look forward to your

WS BPEL TC conference calls are held every other Wednesday. The start time
of the conference call is 8AM PDT.   Call-in details are available on the TC

Please contact the chairs if you need additional information.  

Thank you for joining us - we look forward to working with you on the
BPEL4WS specification.

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