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wsbpel-implement message

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Subject: WS BPEL TC implementations sub group call

Notes from our call today are below.  Attendees were:  Rania Khalaf, Mike 
Marin, Prasad Yendluri, Rajesh Pradham, Ugo Corda, Ron Ten Hove, John 
Evdemon, Monica Martin, Sid Askary, Yaron Goland,
We brainstormed on possible objectives for this subgroup.  Some initial 
- forum for information exchange among those implementing bpel to assist 
each other
- organize demo, interoperability and/or portabilty events
- create a feature matrix to guide others and help identify "core" 
- develop test buckets. 
- implementation can test/validate  points under debate in the issues list 
- implementations can test/validate use cases
We did not exclude any of these as possible activity areas.

We agreed that the goal is not to:
- share code or other confidential information
- focus on modeling or the tools used to create bpel.  It was noted that 
we would probably want the ability to do a schema validation on any bpel 
test cases. 
- focus on the marketing aspects (eg, certification, press releases, etc)

This subgroup is not "normative" and its activities need to be accepted by 
the full TC.  At this time, documents, test cases, etc. suggested are in 
the context of "reference" material for the rest of the TC (or others). 
The Oasis IP policies apply here - eg, confidential information, patent 
rights, etc. should follow the Oasis policies. 

If possible, we might want to have a facility at our next f2f for 
implementation demos and some interoperability/portability work. 
Interoperability and portabilty are different topics and neither should be 
excluded at this point.  To make sure we're operating with the same 
understanding, Monica and Ron will circulate short descriptions of 
interoperability and portability respectively. 

There is an interest in the Java community in BPEL implementations - that 
will be addressed via a liaison which will be discussed this week. 

We agreed to meet every other week on Mondays at 10am pacific/ 1pm 
eastern/6pm UK/ 7pm Germany.   If this time is a problem for those who 
didn't make the call today, let me know and we'll see if we can find a 
better one. 

Regards, Diane
IBM  Dynamic e-business Technologies
(919)254-7221 or 8-444-7221, Mobile: 919-624-5123

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