The main difference is
that as soon as you do the call back, you need a WSDL file from the
client, and so, any client that wants to call your service has to
provide the call back operation. Not a nice interface for casual
Edwin Khodabakchian [mailto:edwink@collaxa.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003
11:25 AM
To: Marin,
Mike; 'Ugo Corda'; 'Ron Ten-Hove'; 'Fletcher, Tony'
Cc: 'bpel
Subject: RE: [wsbpel-implement]
Fault tolerance considerations
Let assume the invoke is
calling a non-BPEL web service that uses a WSDL request-response
operation that was implemented asynchronous and takes 10 days to
respond. That means the time between receive and reply may take 10
days in the best case scenario. Will you maintain that session open
that time?
Yes because
this is what the developer wants. Otherwise he would have
<receive name="rcv" ... />
<assign name="as1" ... />
<invoke name="inv" ... />
<assign name="as2" ... />
<invoke name="callback" ... />
language is offer the choice to the
Ugo Corda [mailto:UCorda@SeeBeyond.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003
10:02 AM
To: Marin,
Mike; Ron Ten-Hove; Fletcher, Tony
Cc: bpel
Subject: RE: [wsbpel-implement]
Fault tolerance considerations
I don't fully understand
your proposal. Right now BPEL supports two modes of operation:
synchronous (receive/reply, in connection with a
WSDL request/response operation) and asynchronous
(receive/invoke, in connection with two WSDL one-way operations). So
the choice is there. Why force everything to be asynchronous?
Marin, Mike [mailto:MMarin@filenet.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003
9:30 AM
To: Ron
Ten-Hove; Fletcher, Tony
Cc: Ugo Corda; bpel
Subject: RE: [wsbpel-implement]
Fault tolerance considerations
Edwin’s suggestion does
make sense; but note that this is not only an “error recovery” issue.
This arises during normal operation. Let assume that your engine
handle thousands of processes per hour, and so at any given moment,
some of those processes will be in between the receive/reply pair. How
do you bring the engine down for maintenance (let say hardware upgrade
or database backup)?
The act of bringing the
engine down will certainly stop some of the processes in the middle of
the receive/reply pair. Most engines will consider shutting down the
engine as a normal operation, and they will keep the state of all the
running processes, but in this case you are forced into considering it
as an abnormal operation for those processes that are in the
receive/reply pair.
Again, IMHO receive/reply
should be asynchronous. They can be seen as synchronous from a invoke
perspective, but unless is implemented as asynchronous it creates
unnecessary issues for the
Ron Ten-Hove [mailto:Ronald.Ten-Hove@Sun.COM]
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003
8:28 AM
To: Fletcher,
Cc: Ugo Corda;
Marin, Mike; bpel implementation
Subject: Re: [wsbpel-implement]
Fault tolerance considerations
Fletcher, Tony
Dear Ron,
Mike, Ugo, and others,
Is this
problem not occurring because of layer violation. Surely BPEL -
and BPEL implementations - should not need to worry beyond setting a
timeout at the sending side on an invoke to which a reply is
expected. At the BPEL should just a hand a message over to the
SOAP HTTP implementation, and receive messages back from it.
Exactly how the message is sent (and in particular whether the
response rides on an HTTP response or request is surely not a BPEL
concern (???)
I think the issue arises only in error cases,
where error recovery/handling may need some extra insight into the
lower-level binding characteristics. As Edwin has suggested, this can
be determined at deployment time, along with suitable recovery
policies. Obviously this sort of thing is implementation-specific, but
Edwin's approach makes a lot of sense.