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wsbpel-implement message

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Subject: Re: [wsbpel-implement] Implementaton subgroup call - cancelled forMonday Dec. 8

I'll be on vacation too.


Diane Jordan wrote:

>Thanks.  Sounds good to me.   Rather than that number, use this one:
>Dial-In Number = 888-711-4576
>Toll/International Callers = 1-484-630-9377
>Password = 39970
>If there aren't enough people, let me know so I can cancel the 
>Regards, Diane
>IBM  Dynamic e-business Technologies
>(919)254-7221 or 8-444-7221, Mobile: 919-624-5123
>"Yaron Goland" <ygoland@bea.com>
>12/08/2003 04:46 PM
>Please respond to ygoland
>        To:     Diane Jordan/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS, "'bpel implementation'" 
>        cc: 
>        Subject:        RE: [wsbpel-implement] Implementaton subgroup call 
>- cancelled for Monday Dec. 8
>Is the call still at 10:00 am PST at 877-988-8393, int'l 203 566-8013, pc
>484868. ? If so I would be happy to chair it if there are enough people to
>hold a call.
>                 Yaron
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Diane Jordan [mailto:drj@us.ibm.com]
>>Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2003 10:06 PM
>>To: bpel implementation
>>Subject: [wsbpel-implement] Implementaton subgroup call -
>>cancelled for
>>Monday Dec. 8
>>I will be traveling during our normal meeting time on Monday.
>> Our next
>>call is planned for Dec. 22.  I will be on vacation.
>>If one of you would like to chair it in my absence, please
>>let me know.
>>Otherwise, we will cancel it as well and hold the next call on Jan. 5.
>>Hope to see you at the face to face meeting.
>>Regards, Diane
>>IBM  Dynamic e-business Technologies
>>(919)254-7221 or 8-444-7221, Mobile: 919-624-5123

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