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wsbpel-implement message

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Subject: Re: [wsbpel-implement] The uploaded loan approval example

Hi Ron, Ugo, Kris,
Yes, I agree with you.
I was referring to the examples not using it and that the spec wording 
should change to support it because as it stands now it doesn't :)

Ron Ten-Hove wrote:

> Rania,
>     In XPath 1.0 a function name is an (XML) qualified name (see here 
> <http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath#NT-FunctionName>.) Thus the prefix must be 
> bound to a namespace URI. I think we are all in agreement here.
>     Should I open an issue, so that we can start the machinery up to 
> add a "prefixes" section at the beginning of the spec?
> -Ron
> rkhalaf wrote:
>> Hi Ugo, Kris, Ron,
>> My impression is also that is  the prefix in the xpath funcs is fixed 
>> to the actual "bpws" string.
>> The spec says that's associated to the namespace but  not that it 
>> must be defined
>> "The extensions are defined in the standard BPEL4WS namespace 
>> "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2003/03/business-process/";. The prefix 
>> "bpws:" is associated with this namespace."
>> Also, the examples in the spec do NOT define that prefix in the BPEL 
>> samples, although they do define it in the associated WSDL files when 
>> defining propertyAliases etc.
>> It is not used in the schema to refer to the xpath functions or fault 
>> names, but it is used there to qualify the BPEL elements (partner, 
>> invoke, etc ) ..
>> We should ask spec team for clarification on this since  if it does 
>> need to be defined then the spec wording should change. I wonder why 
>> they didn't tie it to that to start with.
>> Rania
>> Ron Ten-Hove wrote:
>>> Ugo Corda wrote:
>>>> Yes, bpws should be defined as:
>>>> xmlns:bpws="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2003/03/business-process/";
>>>> (see Appendix D - XSD Schemas).
>>>> Examples in the spec also define it that way (see for example 16.1.2).
>>>> I think the spec uses "bpws" in many places as a shortcut for 
>>>> referring
>>>> to the namespace URI, without mentioning the fact that the "bpws" 
>>>> prefix
>>>> is arbitrary.
>>> Yes, such practice has become commonplace in XML-based specs that 
>>> use more than one such namespace. Such specs usually contain a list 
>>> of all the prefixes and namespaces used in XML fragments thoughout 
>>> the spec, to avoid confusion, or overly length XML fragments.
>>> Should we suggest to our editing team that they should include such 
>>> a list at the beginning of the WS-BPEL spec?
>>> -Ron
>>>> Ugo
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Kristofer Agren [mailto:kagren@pakalert.com] Sent: Monday, 
>>>>> March 15, 2004 3:35 PM
>>>>> To: 'bpel implementation'
>>>>> Cc: Ugo Corda
>>>>> Subject: RE: [wsbpel-implement] The uploaded loan approval example
>>>>> Another question about the validity of the loan approval BPEL; the 
>>>>> loan approval example makes a number of called to 
>>>>> bpws:getVariableData, but the prefix "bpws" is not mapped to any 
>>>>> namespace.
>>>>> I have not found a definite answer to this in the specification, 
>>>>> where it is simply stated that the prefix is "bpws" is associated 
>>>>> with the BPEL namespace (section 9.1), but it is not mentioned 
>>>>> whether this is an assumption that applies to all BPEL files 
>>>>> (without having to do an
>>>>> xmlns:bpws="...") or just to the examples in the specification. I 
>>>>> would like to think that any namespace prefix should be properly 
>>>>> defined before used, even those that are used to refer to 
>>>>> extension functions?
>>>>> Kristofer
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Ugo Corda [mailto:UCorda@SeeBeyond.com] Sent: Monday, March 
>>>>> 15, 2004 4:33 PM
>>>>> To: Kristofer Agren; bpel implementation
>>>>> Subject: RE: [wsbpel-implement] The uploaded loan approval example
>>>>> I agree. The Partner Link Type Schema specifies 
>>>>> elementFormDeafult="qualified", so all the local names must be 
>>>>> qualified. The syntax specified in BPEL sec. 7.1 is also quite clear.
>>>>> Ugo
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: Kristofer Agren [mailto:kagren@pakalert.com]
>>>>>> Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 12:50 PM
>>>>>> To: 'bpel implementation'
>>>>>> Subject: [wsbpel-implement] The uploaded loan approval example
>>>>>> There appears to be an error in the loanapproval.wsdl and
>>>>>> loanapprovalBound.wsdl files; the <portType> element under 
>>>>>> <plnk:role> is not in the partner link namespace:
>>>>>>  <plnk:role name="assessor">
>>>>>>    <portType name="asns:riskAssessmentPT"/>
>>>>>>  </plnk:role>  
>>>>>> Maybe I am missing something, but it should it not be:
>>>>>>  <plnk:role name="assessor">
>>>>>>    <plnk:portType name="asns:riskAssessmentPT"/>
>>>>>>  </plnk:role>  
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Kristofer

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