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Subject: Re: [wsbpel-spec-edit] Meeting to get started on editorial process

Yeah, I can also make Monday but, Wednesday works better for me as well (9-noon is good).

Thanks, Prasad

Ben Bloch wrote:
9AM Pacific (noon to me on East coast) 10/6 actually works for me but for an
alternative time, how about a slot between 9AM-noon Pacific on Wednesday

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Yaron Goland" <ygoland@bea.com>
To: "'Satish Thatte'" <satisht@microsoft.com>; "'bpel spec'"
Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2003 2:52 PM
Subject: RE: [wsbpel-spec-edit] Meeting to get started on editorial process

Satish, thank you for taking the lead here. However October 6th is Yom
Kippur. I would ask you to please change the meeting to a different date.
currently have Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of next week completely

-----Original Message-----
From: Satish Thatte [mailto:satisht@microsoft.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2003 9:59 AM
To: bpel spec
Subject: [wsbpel-spec-edit] Meeting to get started on editorial process

When: Monday, October 06, 2003 9:00 AM-10:00 AM (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time
& Canada); Tijuana.
Where: conf call


Dear Editors,

It is time for us to get started with updating the spec.  We have a number
of closed issues and a number of further resolutions likely to start
streaming in.  I propose a phone meeting to assign closed issues to
individual editors.  Since we don't have access to CVS yet we will also
to define an interim editing process that will let us move forward without
creating chaos in the working drafts.

If this time does not work please propose a few alternative slots.

Call info:

Toll-Free (US & Canada): 866-500-6738
Toll: 203-480-8000
Passcode: 809545




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