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Subject: RE: [wsbpel-spec-edit] today's discussion
Diane, I am still mystified on the CVS front -- I registered as directed by OSS but don't know how to reach the site now .. Anyone out there with more insight? Satish ________________________________ From: Satish Thatte [mailto:satisht@microsoft.com] Sent: Wed 10/8/2003 10:11 AM To: bpel spec Subject: [wsbpel-spec-edit] today's discussion These are the salient points of what I believe we discussed. With a couple of suggestions from me. Please let me know if I missed something. * Diane is getting the CVS site set up. For the moment there will be an IBM logo on it. Diane, can we check with OASIS whether they would object to having an OASIS logo there? * We agreed to use Word to edit the document, but keep it in HTML form. We will use Word's change tracking feature. I am able to reopen the doc I just sent and see both changes and who made them. Please verify that you can do the same. * We will periodically (roughly once every two weeks) publish the current draft to the OASIS TC site. We did not discuss whether we would remove change marks and publish a clean document, but that is what I would suggest. This will be for private access by TC members and observers only. * We will mark version numbers by bumping up the version number in the document and in the document name every time the document is checked in. The date next to the version number inside the document will also be kept current. * We will decide when to publish a version for the public. One possibility is that we will do this just before or just after each face to face meeting. Satish To unsubscribe from this mailing list (and be removed from the roster of the OASIS TC), go to http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/wsbpel-spec-edit/members/leave_workgroup.php.
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