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wsbpel-spec-edit message

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Subject: Proposed Language for Version 0.6 - Issue 23 Resolution

In playing around with Issue 23 I felt it could use a bit of editorial
cleanup. I used the exact text from the resolution in the exact position
specified. My only change to the issue's text was the addition of a comma
and the removal of the last part of the last sentence. These are just
editorial changes.

I also added an additional sentence which, while non-normative, I felt would
make the whole situation a lot clearer.

The set of structured activities in BPEL4WS is not intended to be the
minimal required set. There are cases where one activity can replace
another. For example, the sequence activity, used to structure sequential
processing, may be emulated by a flow with additional links. The purpose in
providing what are, strictly speaking, redundant activities is to make it
easier for BPEL programmers to both read and write BPEL programs by making
available familiar, if functionally redundant, programming constructs.

	Any comments before I check this in?


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