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wsbpel-spec-edit message

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Subject: HTML version of the latest draft uploaded to OASIS


I have just uploaded the latest version in HTML format to the OASIS 
site. Couple of points:

1. I changed the date on the document to Nov 17 '03 to match the date of 
last edit on it. It still had the Oct 22nd date.
    Folks need to remember to update the date on doc each time they 
edit. I have not checked in this change however.
2. Going from word to HTML, I noticed some formatting differences 
creeping into the HTML version. The examples and the bullet-list got 
double spaced. I don't know a way around it w/o editing the HTML version 
(which is too much work). Hence I left that part as is. It is still 
readable but, if there is an option in word that prevents it it would be 
good. I am not aware of any.
3. I have not noticed any other formatting mess-ups, though I may have 
missed some.

Regards, Prasad

P.S. I viewed the file with IE 6, Mozilla 7 and Opera 7. Only Opera 
seems to show it without the double spacing. Go figure :)
P.P.S. I know, I know..  "specification" :)

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