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Subject: RE: [wsbpel-spec-edit] Fw: WS-BPEL Working Draft (23 November 2003)

Yes let us remove the link and simplify logistics for these intermediate


-----Original Message-----
From: Prasad Yendluri [mailto:pyendluri@webmethods.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2003 9:54 AM
To: Dieter Koenig1
Cc: Diane Jordan; bpel spec
Subject: Re: [wsbpel-spec-edit] Fw: WS-BPEL Working Draft (23 November

Thanks. Good catch. We need to make it a point to update these links 
when we publish. Interestingly the original ones are generated via OASIS

doc book magic. We may need to publish a pdf version as well to make 
that link valid. I propose we remove the xml link.

Diane Jordan wrote:

>Dieter, thanks.
>I noticed this last week too but don't think I ever passed it along.
>Regards, Diane
>IBM  Dynamic e-business Technologies
>(919)254-7221 or 8-444-7221, Mobile: 919-624-5123
>----- Forwarded by Diane Jordan/Raleigh/IBM on 12/10/2003 12:34 PM
>Dieter Koenig1@IBMDE
>12/10/2003 11:30 AM
>        To:     Diane Jordan/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS
>        cc: 
>        From:   Dieter Koenig1/Germany/IBM@IBMDE
>        Subject:        WS-BPEL Working Draft (23 November 2003)
>Diane, there seems to be a wrong link in the latest version of the 
>sepcification document (Nov 23, 2003). 
>If you open the document at 
>and follow any of the contained links (e.g. PDF)
>wsbpel-specification-draft-01 (XML, HTML, PDF)
>you get a version of June 10, 2003
>instead of the expected PDF version.
>Kind Regards
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