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Subject: Friendly amendments to issue 89 proposal

Hi Yaron and all,

There was a brief discussion on 89 in the editors' call last week. Since Yaron had already been swamped with many issues, the group felt obligated to take some burden from his shoulder, and somehow I ended up with an AI to come up with new text to address some concerns Satish brought up. 

Here is the strawman proposal I would like to you to bring up for your consideration. Though the changes might appear violent (at least more than I was thinking), I believe the principal idea is the same as the initial proposal. 

To be honest, I don't have a strong feeling on this issue and am totally open for any suggestions.  Please just send me (or to the editor's group directly) your wording if you have a preference. 

The issue:
Handling Unrecognized Query/Expression Languages - What is a BPEL engine to do if the query/expression language identifier given in queryLanguage/expressionLanguage attributes are unrecognized?

Initial Proposal:
From: "Yaron Y. Goland" <ygoland@bea.com> 
To: wsbpeltc <wsbpel@lists.oasis-open.org> 
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2004 18:16:31 -0700 

Add the following language to the end of section 14.1:

If the value of a queryLanguage or expressionLanguage attribute in a 
BPEL executable process identifies a language that the execution engine 
does not support then the execution engine MUST NOT execute the BPEL 

Concerns from Satish:
1. The wording sounds like that it only applicable to "execution engine". Actually the logic should be applicable to any thing that deals with a BPEL process

2. Need to clarify that this is not only concerned with the two attributes in the root element, but to all levels

My strawman amendments:
The issue called out "BPEL engine", but if I understand Satish's concern correctly, he thinks the proposal should work for all BPEL processors and to all levels of BPEL elements. How about the following?

1. The location
The proposal is to change section 14.1. In the latest draft, section 14.1 only deals with executable extensions for expressions. 

Since the issue address both query language and expression language, and is general for both abstract and executable processes, I feel section 6.2 is a better place to address this general issue. 

2. The text

Change the following section in 6.2 to add a paragraph (proposed changes marked with [[...]])

The top-level attributes are as follows:

*         queryLanguage. This attribute specifies the default XML query language used for selection of nodes in assignment, property definition, and other uses. The default value for this attribute is XPath 1.0, represented by the URI of the XPath 1.0 specification: http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xpath-19991116. 

*         expressionLanguage. This attribute specifies the expression language used in the process. The default for this attribute is XPath 1.0, represented by the URI of the XPath 1.0 specification: http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xpath-19991116. 

*         suppressJoinFailure. This attribute determines whether the joinFailure fault will be suppressed for all activities in the process. The effect of the attribute at the process level can be overridden by an activity using a different value for the attribute. The default for this attribute is "no" at the process level.  When this attribute is not specified for an activity, it inherits its value from its closest enclosing activity or from the process if no enclosing activity specifies this attribute. 

*         abstractProcess. This attribute specifies whether the process being defined is abstract (rather than executable). The default for this attribute is "no". 

The value of the querLanguage attribute and the value of the expressionLanguage attribute at the process level can be overridden by an activity using a different value for that attribute. If the specified query or expression language is not supported by a processor which has to deal with the relevant query or expression, the processor MUST stop processing the process. 



Please note the term "processor" is already used in section 6.4, so I am not inventing a new term for this issue, though a separate issue might be opened for defining what a "processor" is. 


Best Regards,

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