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wsbpel-spec-edit message

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Subject: Re: [wsbpel-spec-edit] Summary of my commit

BTW I made yet another screw up in my edits. Kartha if you could fix 
this when you have the pen I'd appreciate it.

In section 9.1 I inserted text that read:

If the application of the XPATH in the propertyAlias to the variable 
value results in a response that contains anything other than exactly 
one information item and/or a collection of Character information items 
then a bpws:selectionFailure fault MUST be thrown.

It should have read:

If the application of the XPATH in the propertyAlias to the variable 
value results in a response that contains anything other than exactly 
one information item and/or a collection of Character information items 
then the semantics of the process is undefined.

In section 14.1 the text:

If the given property does not appear in any of the parts of the 
variable's message type or the given property definition selects a node 
set of a size other than one, then the standard fault 
bpws:selectionFailure MUST be thrown by a compliant implementation.

Should be replaced to read:

The return value of this function is calculated by applying the 
appropriate propertyAlias for the requested property to the current 
value of the submitted variable. If the referenced property is not 
defined on the referenced variable or if the application of the XPATH in 
the propertyAlias to the variable value results in a response that 
contains anything other than exactly one information item and/or a 
collection of Character information items then a bpws:selectionFailure 
fault MUST be thrown.



Satish Thatte wrote:
> I think Kartha is the one with some remaining work.  But we now need to
> upload a draft for the TC to endorse at the F2F very soon.  I am hoping
> Prasad can help us with that again.  Kartha, how soon can you get your
> issues done?
> Satish
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alex Yiu [mailto:alex.yiu@oracle.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 2:16 PM
> To: ygoland@bea.com; bpel spec
> Cc: Satish Thatte; Assaf Arkin; Alex Yiu
> Subject: Re: [wsbpel-spec-edit] Summary of my commit
> Hi, all,
> I am done with changes regarding to Issue 152 and 165.
> (And, I made a very minor editoral correction - moving a small paragraph
> down by one paragraph to its right location.)
> The pen is available. Who is the next person in line? :-)
> Thanks!
> Regards,
> Alex Yiu
> Yaron Y. Goland wrote:
> [stuff deleted]
>  > I am now done with the pen and passing it to Alex.
>  >
>  >     Yaron
>  >
> [stuff deleted]

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