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wsbpel-spec-edit message

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Subject: RE: Follow-up to WS-BPEL Issue 135

I agree.


|         |           "Satish Thatte"  |
|         |           <satisht@microsof|
|         |           t.com>           |
|         |                            |
|         |           01/13/2005 12:45 |
|         |           PM               |
  |                                                                                                                                     |
  |       To:       "Dieter Koenig1" <dieterkoenig@de.ibm.com>, Francisco Curbera/Watson/IBM@IBMUS                                      |
  |       cc:       "bpel spec" <wsbpel-spec-edit@lists.oasis-open.org>                                                                 |
  |       Subject:  RE: Follow-up to WS-BPEL Issue 135                                                                                  |

Agreed.  I believe this is incomplete editing (probably on my part).
Editors, do you agree?

-----Original Message-----
From: Dieter Koenig1 [mailto:dieterkoenig@de.ibm.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2005 4:24 AM
To: Satish Thatte; Francisco Curbera
Subject: Follow-up to WS-BPEL Issue 135

Gentlemen, the issue 135 resolution introduced the <terminationHandler>,
which may contain <compensate> activities. This is only partially
in the spec. Additional places must be aligned. I assume this does not
require an issue and can be done by the spec editing team :-) ...

Section 6.2: replace
"<compensate> activity can be used ONLY within a fault handler or a
compensation handler (i.e. <catch>, <catchAll> and <compensationHandler>
"<compensate> activity can be used ONLY within a terminationHandler,
handler or a compensation handler (i.e. <terminationHandler>, <catch>,
<catchAll> and <compensationHandler> elements)."

Section 6.2: replace
"This construct can be invoked only from within a fault handler or
compensation handler."
"This construct can be invoked only from within a terminationHandler,
handler, or another compensation handler."

Section 13.3.3: add bullet
"In a termination handler of the scope that immediately encloses the
for which compensation is to be performed."

Section 13.3.3: replace
"Note that the <compensate/> activity in a fault or compensation handler
attached to scope S causes the default-order invocation of compensation
handlers for completed scopes directly nested within S."
"Note that the <compensate/> activity in a termination, fault, or
compensation handler attached to scope S causes the default-order
invocation of compensation handlers for completed scopes directly nested
within S."

Section 13.5: replace
"As stated earlier, the <compensate/> activity can only be used in fault
and compensation handlers"
"As stated earlier, the <compensate/> activity can only be used in
termination, fault, and compensation handlers"

Appendix C: in the documentation of the group "activity", replace
"- compensate activity can be used ONLY within a fault handler or a
compensation handler"
"- compensate activity can be used ONLY within a termination handler, a
fault handler, or a compensation handler"

Kind Regards

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