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wsbpel-spec-edit message

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Subject: RE: [wsbpel-spec-edit] issues for discussion today

Thanks.  Kartha, since we are still discussing the exact resolution of
170, is it OK with you to hand the pen to Prasad first?

-----Original Message-----
From: Liu, Kevin [mailto:kevin.liu@sap.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 6:43 PM
To: Satish Thatte; bpel spec
Subject: RE: [wsbpel-spec-edit] issues for discussion today

I am done with my editing of 145, 155, 171. Hand off the pen.

[Note for issue 145]
The following proposed change is not applied since the "from" text has
already been deleted due to resolution of other issues: 

Section 14.1

From: If the given property does not appear in any of the parts of the
variable's message type or the given property definition selects a node
set of a size other than one, then the standard fault
bpws:selectionFailure MUST be thrown by a compliant implementation.

To: If the referenced property is not defined, if there does not exist a
propertyAlias to associate the property with the referenced variable or
if the given property definition selects a node set of a size other than
one, then the standard fault bpws:selectionFailure MUST be thrown by a
compliant implementation. 

Best Regards,

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Satish Thatte [mailto:satisht@microsoft.com] 
>Sent: Tuesday, Jan 11, 2005 09:51 AM
>To: Liu, Kevin; bpel spec
>Subject: RE: [wsbpel-spec-edit] issues for discussion today
>Kevin has the pen.  Kartha will go after Kevin.  Prasad after Kartha.
>And then Alex will have the pen to fix the bugs he discovered 
>before the
>Thanks everyone.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Satish Thatte [mailto:satisht@microsoft.com] 
>Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 9:20 AM
>To: Liu, Kevin; bpel spec
>Subject: RE: [wsbpel-spec-edit] issues for discussion today
>Wow; this will be a short call :-)  Current volunteers
>Kevin:  145, 155, 171
>Prasad: 162, 167
>Kartha: 170
>I would like to spend a few minutes to revisit 170 just so I 
>am clear on
>it.  Tried to look at WSDL for a few minutes this morning and things
>were not obvious to me there.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Liu, Kevin [mailto:kevin.liu@sap.com] 
>Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 8:41 AM
>To: Liu, Kevin; Satish Thatte; bpel spec
>Subject: RE: [wsbpel-spec-edit] issues for discussion today
>If no other volunteers, I can also work on 145, and 171. This should
>take care all the issues in the short list(Since Kartha is already
>working on 170, and Prasad on 162, 167.)
>Best Regards,
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Liu, Kevin [mailto:kevin.liu@sap.com] 
>>Sent: Tuesday, Jan 11, 2005 08:31 AM
>>To: Satish Thatte; bpel spec
>>Subject: RE: [wsbpel-spec-edit] issues for discussion today
>>I can take 155.
>>Best Regards,
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Satish Thatte [mailto:satisht@microsoft.com] 
>>>Sent: Tuesday, Jan 11, 2005 07:54 AM
>>>To: bpel spec
>>>Subject: [wsbpel-spec-edit] issues for discussion today
>>>Issue 145 Properties on Non-Message Variables 16 Dec 2004 
>>>Issue 155 complexType Variables 9 Dec 2004 
>>>Issue 162 Unique Activity Names for Compensate 15 Dec 2004 
>>>Issue 167 Rethrow semantics clarification 27 Oct 2004 
>>>Issue 170 How to handle faultcode, faultstring, and faultactor 3 Dec
>>>Issue 171 faultName should be optional for invoke fault 
>>handlers 15 Dec
>>>This is the "to be incorporated" list Peter has (leaving out the
>>>perennial stragglers), and I believe it correctly reflects 
>>the next set
>>>of changes.  Let us discuss how to get them in today.

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