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Subject: sourceforge instructions

I got these detailed instructions from the former OSS/CVS team.  Meanwhile, I think you all figured it out, but let me know if there's more I should ask.  
Regards, Diane
IBM  Emerging Internet Software Standards
(919)254-7221 or 8-444-7221, Mobile: 919-624-5123, Fax 845-491-5709

Hi Diane,

Sure, glad to be of help.  I performed the tasks described below to gain access to a project's cvs repository (a temp. project that I had created on SourceForge.net).  The following documentation that I was able to compose while going through the process may be of help.  If not, you may want to refer to the SourceForge.net documentation (I've provided some of the URLs below  as well).

SourceForge.net CVS connection details:

1.  Download Putty.

2.  Generate a SSH key.  

Follow the directions presented on https://sourceforge.net/docman/display_doc.php?docid=761&group_id=1#keygenputty to generate a SSH key.

3.  Wait for the SSH Key to be updated.  The SourceForge.net site says that it takes 10 - 30 minutes for the SSH keys to be updated.  However, please allow for additional time for the keys to be updated before proceeding further since the task has been known to take longer than 30 minutes.

4.  PAGEANT makes it easier to use SSH tools.  Before you try to perform any SSH communication with SourceForge, ensure that PAGEANT is running or SSH commands may fail.  However, if SSH commands do not fail upon trial, you may skip this step.

5.  Download a CVS-client.  WinCVS or TortoiseCVS are common CVS clients that may be used.  

6.  Configure your CVS-client to talk SSH via Putty.  In order to establish communication between cvs.exe and SourceForge, the following two environment variables need to be set.  



Note: You need to replace "projectname" above with your project name.  You may also want to ensure that the plink executable exists in the directory stated in the CVS_RSH parameter above.

In order to submit items to the CVS repository:

cd projectdirectory

cvs import -m "Initial license import." projectname GNUGPL start

Note: You should now be in the directory that contains only the license text file when you execute this command, so you'll need to replace "projectdirectory" with the correct directory.  You'll also need to change "projectname" above to the name of your project.

Add your CVS files into the directory by hand.  If you have any binary files please be sure to read the SourceForge documentation about the "cvs -kb" switch.  

Note: In order to migrate current CVS items from www-124.ibm.com to SF.net, create a tarball from the old repository that can be unzipped into the new repository hosted on SF.net.  The CVS data should be uploaded to the shell server.  Once completed with doing so, please create a support ticket with SourceForge.net for instructions on how you may proceed further.  Interestingly, SourceForge backs up all repositories into tarballs nightly.  They do not allow access to the repository area by project members, but their support services area will untar from a backup upon request.

7.  According to SourceForge.net, it can take up to a couple of hours for your changes to CVS to propagate to the anonymous CVS servers that the Web based UI reads from.  So, please be patient if your changes do not show up immediately in the Web UI.

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