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wsbpel-spec-edit message

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Subject: Re: [wsbpel-spec-edit] notes from Aug 30 call

Hi all,

I am applying changes to the spec. Two things I would like to bring up:
  • For Issue 213, the spec text is trivial by just dropping <repeatEvery> under <pick>. So, I have apply changes for both spec text and XSD for Issue 213. So I guess that should be OK to everybody.

  • For Issue 192, I have one question to ask: Both wsbpel_main.xsd and wsbpel_msgprop.xsd have the same targetNamespace. Issue 192 basically is to apply the same extensibility to propertyAlias and etc. That is, propertyAlias will derive from the same "tExtensibleElements" type. There are two routes to proceed to forward:
Which one do you guys prefer?

My thought so far is: merging two XSD is simpler. On the other hand, for abstract BPEL XSD work, I suspect we need to have use include/import eventually.


Alex Yiu

Diane Jordan wrote:

Alex, Assaf and Prasad participated.  
Alex is working on 192, 11.1, 111 family and schema updates for 136, 190 and 213.  

When Alex is done, Prasad will do the text changes for 200, 201 and 213.  

Assaf will send an email to the spec editing team explaining the following conclusions we reached:  
209:  the resolution did not include necessary changes to make 14.7 consistent with 13.3.3.  Assaf will write up the change to 14.7 and review with the spec editing team.  If no one sees a problem, we will forward to the full TC so there is an email thread explaining the situation.

214:  this added changes to section 13.5 to make it consistent with the resolution to 112  (which included changes to 11.3, 11.4 and 12.4).  After 112, we passed 204 which clarified how to compensate an event handler.  The edits for 204 were done before 214, and so didn't include changes to 13.5 (which wasn't changed till the resolution to 214).  Assaf will send an email to the editing team describing the clarification required for section 13.5 to make it consisted with the resolution to 204. If there is no problem, we will forward it to the full TC list so there is an email thread explaining the situation.  

Both issues remain on the "to do" list for the spec editing team.  Once we've seen the emails on the changes, we'll assign them.  

Regards, Diane
IBM  Emerging Internet Software Standards
(919)254-7221 or 8-444-7221, Mobile: 919-624-5123, Fax 845-491-5709

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