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Subject: RE: Input on scenarios





Also, I have two docs which I gave to Ben and John to do a preliminary review, and which I want to send to the group later today or Monday:


  1. Usage Scenario guidelines, which captured the meat from the last few con-calls. It gives the group guidance for how to proceed, and importantly records our intent for the rest of the TC to read.
  2. Usage Scenario catalogue, which is intended to be a repository for usage scenarios, and the use cases within them. Within the catalogue is a template of course, which I used the Simpl-eb and WSI use cases for input.


Your template is great, and I would like to take the liberty of combining it with the template I have in doc#2 above, and send the whole thing out to the group ASAP.


And of course if we can generate the whole catalogue in HTML that’d be great, but I’m wondering about diagrams. I have reserved a place in the doc for where we can stick diagrams that are helpful in explaining the scenario.





-----Original Message-----
From: Sally St. Amand [mailto:sallystamand@yahoo.com]
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2003 3:43 PM
To: Harvey Reed; wsbpel-uc@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: Input on scenarios


Harvey and other UC subgroupies-

As a follow on to my earlier email I am attaching a template that I propose we discuss at our next subgroup telecon call. Harvey, I did not know if you intended to take additional steps beyond what you have done (& are doing) on the usage scenarios.

As we discussed, use cases will emanate from the scenarios. Some of which we already have; for example the Simpl EB. If we are going to solicit use cases from a broad audience we will need a template as to what we need.

I took the template John developed, added in elements from the WS-I submission, the doc Ben sent out earlier, et al and constructed this template.

First and foremost it needs to be understandable to someone who stumbles on to the BPEL TC website and thinks they have a contribution to make. If the template doesn't meet that test we need to make it so.

I labeled it as I did because one of the perspectives we need to make sure doesn't get lost is "usage centered design" and testing the spec.

As I said my focus was on getting a format we all think will do the job of soliciting examples and serving up the examples to the full TC. Based on the work you are doing, a template and processes we have already described, e.g. Voting on Use Cases, we could have a methodology for acting that we can present to the TC? Including once the subgroup agrees on the template, load in an actual (the Simple EB seems prime).

Also, a thread amongst ourselves to get a document more refined by next Monday's call might save some time on the call.



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